What did you get for Christmas?

Two lamps from hubby. Two ornaments, wooden bowl, and a calender from my sister. Gift card for Petsmart from SIL. Fancy shampoo and moisture treatment from a niece. A chocolate truffle from a nephew. A nice Christmas dinner by BIL. Washing machine from me to me. Treasured memories that will last a life time from everyone I know.
We had a stomach bug going around so cancelled the big family event scheduled for here. Everyone was disappointed but greatful that I didn't risk getting them sick! I got a Keurig coffee maker, two chicken books, an electric sander, good smelling candles, and a curling iron.
Just back from getting more attachments for my new Dremel.

Now, I'm officially broke.

ROFL If you buy someone a wonderful gift like a Dremel, please recognize that it needs to have a whopping big gift card taped to the side. 26 attachments included means that it has sandpaper & polishing felts inside & not much else.
A chicken calender!
Dishes/silver ware/cups
then another set of nice dishes/bowls and a nice set of silver ware.
a knife set or kitchen set, it had the wooden knife holder, measuring cups, measuring spoons, can opener and spoons for cooking.
Candy! I got some fuzzy socks and a nice jacket, my fiance got some shirts and a hat.
I think thats it
I got tons
The best, was spending time with family (last week out of state with family I only see about twice a year and yesterday with bro, SIL, and nephew an hour and a half away).
My nephew (18 months) gave me the most beautiful custom made "Aunt" braclet
Fiance got me earings and necklas set, gloves and jammies.....parents got me some clothes, Toy Story 3, crock pot (so fiance and I don't have to register for one...they gave him a big coffee maker and lots of good knives), braclet that my Momma made.....grandma gave $$$ and jammies....
OHHHH...and SIL and bro gave me a BIG 31 bag with "Kat's stuff" written on the side :-D
i got my incubator, twilight game for wii, twilight board game, twilight martini glass (that my sister in law got made for me!! it says team edward!!) and then i got dumped by my boyfriend.. woo hoo
I got three books I had asked for: Crocheting in Plain English, Gardening with Guineas and An Introduction to Color Forms of the Domestic Fowl: A Look at Color Varieties and How They Are Made (This one should arrive within a few weeks, can't wait)
A two year subscription to hobby farms. Two rooster coffee cups with a little cash inside and a beautiful framed picture of my new Great niece that was born December 3rd, 2010.

The best gift was spending time with my family since I live 250 miles away and I don't get to see them that often. My new Baby Great Niece is adorable but didn't get to hold her as much as I would have liked since everyone else had the same idea !!!
I'm staying down here in SE WI for a few more days so I'll snatch her up when I go visit her this week.

And another great gift was the compliments of the baby blanket I made and the one I crocheted for the new baby. I hadn't crocheted a baby blanket for 30 years since my niece was born so it was quite a surprise that they loved it so much.

My DH asked what I wanted and I said I just wanted him to keep building the chicken pens for housing my silkies that I am using for a breeding program. So I will be getting presents all year because it will take him a while to complete that project !!!

His gift was my leaving for the week !!!!!

Oh and my gift to myself was a few Lemax Christmas village pieces. I buy one or two each year for my nieces and can't resist a good sale and always buy myself a few as well. This year I got a Farmers Market and a Hunters Deer Blind.

Tomorrow I will be celebrating with my late mothers family, that is another gift I am grateful for, spending time with loved ones.

At the get together with my Moms side of the family today I got a real nice winter scarf and a cute snowman votive holder!
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