What did your chickens do today?

My cochin banties were sitting on the eggs like they're supposed too. 2 of the eggs hatched today! My normal sized chickens just laid in the dirt, being lazy. Didn't bother to lay any eggs.....Break day.
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Ours have discovered that I have a big bag of sunflower seeds in my car. It's their favorite treat by far and whenever they see me near the car they come running, some of the hens
flap their wings so they can run faster!
I can't get away in the car, or get back in the house FROM the car, without being mobbed by several chickens and usually at least
one, sometimes more, peafowl. So that's what they do part of every day...take turns surveilling me so they can be sure and get their sunflower seed fix
My cows on the other hand, decided it was a good morning for a walk down the road. For over a mile. At about 10 am, a neighbor knocked and said "Hey, your cows are out and they're in the field near the bottom of the hill". Glad they followed a coffee can of grain for the long, slow walk home.
Took naps by my back porch while I sat above them. Chased me around going "PEEEP peep peeep! peeep PEEEP peeep! BAwk bawk begawwwwwww" hoping I would give them more shelled sunflower seed. Rolled around in the dirt despite my pan of dust that I put out and drank from the bathe I had out for them and then they laid sleeping in the mud under the peach tree.
Mine decided to fly over my little fence around my garden and take a dust bath on top of my peas. Ugh...lol. This is the first time they have decided to jump into the garden. I guess there wasn't enough supervision today....I did discover they LOVE the dried mealworms. Every time I walked out my back door, they all came running/flapping to get a treat.
The squawked the minute my husband left out of the garage and didn't stop until I tumbled my aching body out of bed and went to the backyard to open the pen. The sun was barely coming over the desert horizon it was 5 AM something..... after the 2nd cup of coffee for "chicken" mom, I discovered that they pooped up the back porch. Out came the water hose to spray off the porch while they love to wait for the bugs to come up out of the rocks after the water hits them...then the girls ran off to the garden to see what' s up. All my good plants are in "sunflower" jail behind big screens. I tossed the girls a single ripe tomato as a gift and they fought over it until Gabby finally won her prize and ran off to hide and eat. Doves invaded the chicken coop to finish off the chicken food left behind. Pigeons were planning an attack as well as half a dozen of them were found in a huddle on the other side of the wall. Thankfully, they have not come over the wall yet, and they shall rue the day they do. Chickens took their usual dirt bath and scratched around in the compost until the sun got too hot for them. Then back to the porch, pooping it up once more, while they took turns retuning to the coop to lay eggs. Next it was off to the hay stack on the side of the house, following the shade around the yard until it was back to the dirt bath and compost scratching until I was able to feed them again this evening. They were pretty hungry too, I love to see these girls do their little waddle run back to the coop! Night night to all.
My chick-a-roos enjoyed the cooler weather today and ran like little dinosaurs through their grassy yard after bugs. Then I sat with them a spell while everyone preened, trilled, and dozed beneath my feet. My red crested red pullet snuggled into my hair on my shoulder, and Tennille, my buff laced rooster climbed my travel ladder I have been using to secure hawk netting. He thought he was Captain America there for a little while until he couldn't figure out how to come back down again and had a birdy meltdown. My baby Sultans got to hang with the bigger chickens for a bit and took their very first sunbaths. Cutest thing ever!
My Buff Orp pullets are still in the house at night, due to our late wet, cold weather and the fact that I can't accept the fact they are growing up. So we put them out in the morning & allow them to free range in the yard, they go in & out of their coop as they please. Nights they spend in the basement guest bathroom, warm, dry & safe. Today, I had the patio doors open so I could listen for them. We were getting ready to bring them in when I heard clucking, I looked toward the door & there are my girls, in through the dining room, through the kitchen (if you are with the dept of health I hope you quit reading before this sentence) to the stairs. My DH went down the stairs calling "come on Henny Pennys, come on, good girls". I followed behind carrying my Gracie who wanted a snuggle. Well my sweet girls went down the stairs, around the corner through the laundry room to the hall & into their room. They have only been going out about 10 days & we have been carrying them up & down so they figured out the route just by watching. Smart & beautiful. I am typing this in my craft turned brooder room with my Black Bantam Orp who is 10 days old on my shoulder & my DH's Chocolate Bantam Orp on the table behind me. A beautiful feathery family.

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