What did your chickens do today?

For some reason mine come running if you knock on something. So if they're out in the yard and I can't see them I will knock on a window or something and they come running lol

Mine come to "chicki chicki chicki". Everytime!

My little ones, and some that aren't very little anymore, have just started to come running when I call "chick chick chick."

I just discovered that Stevie, my five month old rooster has laid claim to all of my little ones. They were all out in their pen night before last and I went to round everybody up to go in the coop for the night. I reached down in the little dog pile of chicks to start picking them up, he came out of nowhere and pecked the back of my hand really hard. Apparently he didn't want me to take his chicks from him. It's so funny because he's almost broody over them!! I didn't think roosters would be that way over young chicks. Six 6.5 week old Black Lorps and a mixture of nine 4.5 week old Wellies and Black Lorps. There are ten Buff Orphs that will eventually be added to the mix, but they're not quite ready for that step of freedom, as they are just out of the brooder.
Yesterday I introduced, LaLa, ChaCha, Jessica and Madonna to the new patch of grass I planted. Madonna, the 13yr old was very excited. The other girls were sort of happy, not sure they knew what it was...hahahaha...Jessica did find bugs to eat, so I'm sure the others will figure it out in time. I layed the sod a couple days ago and I have it fenced off for "Invitation Only" that way all the Cottontails will stay out at night and not devour it before the hens get to enjoy and learn where it is.

My cockerel did his first morning crow when I let them out this morning. I was so proud of him, three times he crowed standing there in the middle of their run as tall as he could make himself. He still sounded a bit like a kazoo, but he's getting it
One chick discovered the camera while the one I tried to take pictures of kept moving around while one of my most shy australorps decided to sleep on my leg.

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