What did your chickens do today?

I went out to make sure everyone got settled for the evening and this is what I find! I spent most of the day cleaning and preparing the two runs adjacent to this one and they chose here to roost. Silly me, I should have shut the door. I'm assuming maybe they liked it because it still smelled familiar. Boy are they going to cuss me tomorrow night.

maybe since he's so young you will be successful. Good luck!
Thanks. I've starting working on his attitude. Right now he is in the timeout pen while I work with him on his behavior.

This is suspect #1 in the attack and I've caught him being aggressive to hens on a number of occasions. It's a shame. You can't tell from the picture but he is a beautiful roo and is very good around people. I can pet him and he won't try to peck at me and I can usually pick him up with little problem. He just isn't good with other chickens right now.
My 4 chickens will be 2 months old at the end of this week. Today they got to roam around a new (to them) part of the yard. They were like little kids running around a new playground. The best part was watching the Ameraucana chase moths. I had a very hard day today and was very stressed out when I got home. I just sat and watched them play and felt much better about the world.
It was also funny when they all went into their coop to roost while I was still cleaning it out. I have sand in there and sift it. They just jumped around my scoop and acted like it was a normal thing. They were all settled and going to sleep by the time I finished. I'm so happy I decided to get them!
You will never regret having Chickens. They are so much fun and entertaining...
I went out to make sure everyone got settled for the evening and this is what I find! I spent most of the day cleaning and preparing the two runs adjacent to this one and they chose here to roost. Silly me, I should have shut the door. I'm assuming maybe they liked it because it still smelled familiar. Boy are they going to cuss me tomorrow night.

That is the cutest picture!
Today my chickens are taking refuge from the sudden torrential rain on my covered back patio...they could have gone back in their coop...instead they're staring through the back door and driving my dogs nuts...lol

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