what do chickens do when it rains?


7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
If I don't lock them up in the coop/run before it rains, will they go in to get dry, or stay out in it? They're between 6 and 9 weeks old right now, and the temps would be in the upper 70's if it rained. Would the chicks be okay if they got really wet, or would I need to put them in the coop?
This depends on how young they are. If they're already running in and out of the coop, and they put themselves to bed at night, then they will probably seek shelter from the rain on their own.

Sometimes chickens aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack though, and they might stand around and get wet. This shouldn't hurt them as long as it's not cold out.

My adult birds free range, rain or shine in the summer. Sometimes they run around in the rain, and they seem to be fine.
I just got started pullets last week (my first chicken experience). They figured out pretty quickly to go in and out of the coop for bed, but the thunderstorm yesterday confused them. I went out and shooed them up into the coop, but not before I had four soggy, crabby looking chickens. I had to laugh; they were sitting in the coop, all puffed up and trying to dry out, spread waaay apart from each other, like they just wanted to be left alone.
My d'uccle screams and throws temper tantrums if it rains on her. She is so funny. She throws tantrums if you touch her foot feathers as well.

I keep mine in the run and coop. My run has a roof and a side panel to keep wind, rain and snow out. It works well. If its sprinkling, I let them run free. They are so much happier free ranging then locked up.

I lock mine up when I leave also. I need to find my lock, so no one can get inside the run when I'm gone.
I have really dim bulbs.. They stand around getting soaked all the way to the skin. I didn't let the younger ones out during the day until I felt they had some waterproofing in their feathers, not that any of my hens appear waterproof when dripping wet in the rain. We have rather mild temps here so I don't worry to much. They have shelter if they choose to use it.
It's a chilly 70 degrees, and a rainy day here in the mountains of NC. I'm sitting here on my front porch swing with my laptop and watching those 3 silly birds standing in the pouring rain. They have 1/2 their run covered with a nice, unleaking tarp and the coop door is wide open for them to go into if they so desire.

They shake off the rain every now and again, the rooster is starting to crow, and they look like a bunch of drowned rats. But they're loving it.....my little goofballs.
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Rain is okay, but the hose is an evil monster.

Mine will stand out and get soaked and look really pathetic. They only go in if it's really windy.
My flock consist of fourteen 8-10 week old chickens and this just happaned a few days ago. They were out in the run area and a storm came up, Lots of thunder and lightening in the distance. They still remained in the run picking grass until it started raining. As soon as the rain came they ran, well more like flew back into the coop!
Mine seem to prefer staying dry.
Well, when it got dark outside right before the rain, they had the right idea and got under a doghouse. They don't exactly want to get wet, but they want they're freedom!

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