What do I do now????

The Sheriff

10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
Northern CA
2 out of 12 eggs have hatched under my broody BCM. She has 10 more under her. It is supposed to be 103 degrees here today. The 2 little guys keep coming out and she scoots them back under her. She is breathing with her mouth open like she's hot. Should I put water in there with pebbles so the chicks can't drown or what? When do I put the chick starter in? This is my first time.



p.s I am assuming they hatched during the night or this morning.
How wonderful - great photo! Yes, put water and chick starter in there now - momma will teach them what to do. Sounds like she's being a good momma cluck.
give her some watermelon, it will help keep her body cool and you can put in some chick starter, mom can eat that to,

mom will teach them everything, she will show them were the feed and water is.

If I were you I would be inclined to take the babies away as they dry off. That way the broody will continue to sit on the rest of the eggs and not leave the nest before the hatch is complete. Give the babies back after the hatch is complete.

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