what do yo feed your chickens to snack on

my chickens love love love love love
BEST POST EVER!!!! I firmly believe this all my birds free range or are in tractors
The egg yolks are ornger which means more beta carotene and happy healthier birds
My girls love dried mealworms. They also enjoy scratching through a bucket of earth from the compost pile to find living worms and pill bugs. I save all my garden weeds, bolting vegetables and lettuces for them and sometimes I sprout broccoli and alfalfa seeds. I know it sounds goofy but I figure that the healthier the girls the better my eggs! They also adore corn on the cob!
The zucchini is producing faster than we can eat or give it away.....so lately they are getting alot of zucchini. One of their favorites is bread. They always get the heals. The prickly pear fruit is ripe and there is alot on our land. I need to see if they like it.
Adding in: spent beer grains (the grains you cook to make the mash for your beer, it's a big multigrain hot cereal treat)
Melon seeds from honeydew and other melons.
hornworm catapilliars (the green tomato worms)
Our girls love grapes! That has to be the most popular treat for the entire flock. Several of them will actually jump up on our laps to get to the grapes if they think we are going too slow! Some like salt-free sunflower nuts. Most of them enjoy watermelon, cantaloupe seeds, hard-boiled eggs, and bread. If we have had an opportunity to go fishing, they enjoy the leftover nightcrawlers too.

The girls get lots of free-range time, and they really like dandelion leaves. They like to wander through the yard and garden, nibbling as they go. The other night, we caught 9 of the 13 chowing down on a Hosta plant. The poor plant was trashed. They just circled the plant and had a feast

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