What do you all think of Anonymous?

I am going to take Dunk seriously here for a moment. There are freedoms we have lost because we voluntarily gave them away. Some we lost because we did not think we would need them or we do not yet fully recognize the degree to which they have been eroded.

Issues of freedom of speech come up frequently. As as I have always been a huge fan of it, it concerns me when I hear people whispering things for fear of what could happen to some one else if their ideas were attributed to them. This is very common in people who are in the military or are related to them or anyone who works in government at all. While this has always been the case to some degree, the level of personal unease I get disturbs me.

But, to me the biggest freedom we have lost is one that comes from when "freedom" is taken away.

There is freedom to - as in the freedom to do what I wish


Freedom FROM. as in freedom from other people abusing me or stealing from me. These are the freedoms we have lost the most of. Since the laws have been eroded very badly, there are many ways in which people can steal and cheat one another now that used to bring sanctions either communal or legal. People now have little recourse when they are cheated. We have taken caveat emptor to a whole new level. And the thefts have been massive and blatant. Yet the laws that still exist are not being upheld. Even the government has taken eminent domain to a whole new level of theft.

It is the freedom to assume that banks will be held accountable. The freedom to believe that contracts have meaning for all parties. The freedom to believe that if I pay into a pension fund for 30 years it will not suddenly be labeled an "unfunded pension obligation" and taken from me.

It is my freedom from being preyed upon that I miss the most.
On a side note I find it oddly interesting that a woman fights for the "control of her body" but when choices are made that have negative effects on their body they want the government to control that aspect... silicone implants? as an example. Seems counterintuitive.
I guess that i'm not exactly sure what rights i dont have over my body because i'm a woman??
I guess i just dont see it.
Now some women ALLOW themselves to be taken advantage of... but thats a whole 'nother thread ..
On a side note I find it oddly interesting that a woman fights for the "control of her body" but when choices are made that have negative effects on their body they want the government to control that aspect... silicone implants? as an example. Seems counterintuitive.

No, its related to the freedom to versus freedom from thing. I have the right to alter my body (as in stuff bags in my boobs to make them more eye catching to guys
) BUT I require that the medical practitioners who do that procedure actually know what they are talking about and do not knowingly put something in me that will hurt me later. It's that whole knowledge piece that is at issue.

Not counter intuitive, just it takes the law time to sort out culpability. If I choose to put them in after a doctor assures me they are safe then the question becomes is the doctor culpable for my injury? Well, that depends on how much he knew. Did he lie? Was he lied to? Etc.....

I have the right to get tattoos and I cannot sue anyone over that later when I regret it. If the artist uses tainted needles and gives me a disease then he/she is culpable even if I chose to get the tats.
If they feel like what their doing is right, let them. I support peacefull protests like this. It's good to ruffle the gov. feathers (no pun intened) every no and again.
Every medical procedure I have ever underwent I was told the pros and cons and I evaluated the decision to do it or not and the risks including a botched job especially cosmetic surgery as in my example and I for one cannot blame that choice on someone else... I just can't but I realize some will I am just not one of them. If my dog did it I clean it up.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

On a side note I find it oddly interesting that a woman fights for the "control of her body" but when choices are made that have negative effects on their body they want the government to control that aspect... silicone implants? as an example. Seems counterintuitive.

No, its related to the freedom to versus freedom from thing. I have the right to alter my body (as in stuff bags in my boobs to make them more eye catching to guys
) BUT I require that the medical practitioners who do that procedure actually know what they are talking about and do not knowingly put something in me that will hurt me later. It's that whole knowledge piece that is at issue.

Not counter intuitive, just it takes the law time to sort out culpability. If I choose to put them in after a doctor assures me they are safe then the question becomes is the doctor culpable for my injury? Well, that depends on how much he knew. Did he lie? Was he lied to? Etc.....

I have the right to get tattoos and I cannot sue anyone over that later when I regret it. If the artist uses tainted needles and gives me a disease then he/she is culpable even if I chose to get the tats.​
The problem is that little bit about the feds handling anything for the welfare of the people tacked on to the end of the states rights part. That little part pretty much says the government can do just about anything. It is very open to interpretation. I know that people tend to try to say it means only what they want it to mean,but it just isn't so. It's the same thing with the 2nd amendment. It can be read 2 ways.

They got too wordy for the narrow meanings that conservatives would like for the constitution to have. The states rights issue would be very cut and dry except for the last sentence they threw in. Same with the second amendment.

Did they do these things to allow growth, or did they do them because they had no idea what this nation would become and the needs it would have?

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