What do you do with all those eggs?

What do you do with extra eggs?

  • Sell

    Votes: 141 42.6%
  • Eat

    Votes: 143 43.2%
  • Give away

    Votes: 213 64.4%
  • Throw away

    Votes: 15 4.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 88 26.6%

  • Total voters
I'm getting up to 10 eggs a day and am quickly running out of options for what to do with them. Short of chucking them, that is.

My friends are all stocked up, we are sick of eating eggs and now we have a backlog in the 20's. So, what are some things you guys do to use up those extra eggs? Today's basket (from yesterday and today)
View attachment 1750999
I'm getting up to 10 eggs a day and am quickly running out of options for what to do with them. Short of chucking them, that is.

My friends are all stocked up, we are sick of eating eggs and now we have a backlog in the 20's. So, what are some things you guys do to use up those extra eggs? Today's basket (from yesterday and today)
View attachment 1750999
We like those breakfast casseroles that are assembled the night before. They call for a dozen eggs so that would use up a bunch. Frozen hash browns, bacon or sausage, onion, shredded cheese. Easy and yummy!
I just made and froze several quiches this past week. Looked up how long unwashed eggs keep in a cool(ish) pantry and it is said by some to be up to several months! So I'm not worrying so much. Chicken Math has caught up for sure, 16 layers and 10 - 14 eggs/day. We eat a LOT, sell a few, give away a few, feed the dog/cats scrambled eggs and boil a lot for all of us. Question: I keep seeing scrambled eggs for chickens, with shell. I just chop up boiled eggs for them with the shell on. Any difference? Does it matter? Also, how many eggs can you feed back to the flock per bird/per day? What would be too much protein/calcium/whatevers? I generally feed two boiled eggs, chopped fine with the shell, a handful of chopped sunflower seeds (no shell) and 2 handfuls of layer pellets, soaked with a bit of water, they eat it all up. Free range on endless acres all day with free choice pellets, which they don't eat much of. (my way of assuring myself that they get those balanced ration pellets) This is every evening to the 16 hens/pullets and one rooster - 17 birds. Tell me I can feed MORE eggs! Love this thread, I do have some new ideas now.
I just made and froze several quiches this past week. Looked up how long unwashed eggs keep in a cool(ish) pantry and it is said by some to be up to several months! So I'm not worrying so much. Chicken Math has caught up for sure, 16 layers and 10 - 14 eggs/day. We eat a LOT, sell a few, give away a few, feed the dog/cats scrambled eggs and boil a lot for all of us. Question: I keep seeing scrambled eggs for chickens, with shell. I just chop up boiled eggs for them with the shell on. Any difference? Does it matter? Also, how many eggs can you feed back to the flock per bird/per day? What would be too much protein/calcium/whatevers? I generally feed two boiled eggs, chopped fine with the shell, a handful of chopped sunflower seeds (no shell) and 2 handfuls of layer pellets, soaked with a bit of water, they eat it all up. Free range on endless acres all day with free choice pellets, which they don't eat much of. (my way of assuring myself that they get those balanced ration pellets) This is every evening to the 16 hens/pullets and one rooster - 17 birds. Tell me I can feed MORE eggs! Love this thread, I do have some new ideas now.

Sometime's I even give more chopped or even mashed boiled eggs with shell's than that if I have too many extra, and just like you I add the feed and the water to it to make a wet feed. Sometime's I even add the chopped veggies to that. They eat every bit of it, and that way they are also eating the feed and not just the treat. ;)
I'm getting up to 10 eggs a day and am quickly running out of options for what to do with them. Short of chucking them, that is.

My friends are all stocked up, we are sick of eating eggs and now we have a backlog in the 20's. So, what are some things you guys do to use up those extra eggs? Today's basket (from yesterday and today)
View attachment 1750999

I like to give mine to the elderly, they so appreciate farm fresh eggs.
Wow! We're getting chicks any day now - but we're only allowed 3 hens, we will never have too many eggs. One teen takes 2 hardboiled eggs in her lunch every day, and one spouse takes 4. Plus we make our own mayo, and most of the family adores devilled eggs made with the mayo. I know our pastor's family keeps chickens, I see Lisa bringing cartons of eggs she sells. Heck, see if there's a homeless shelter that could use eggs.

That's what we do. There's a place called the Mission of Hope nearby that helps recovering addicts, alcoholics and just indigent people in general. They have barracks and a chow hall. When they see my wife coming they say "Here comes the egg lady". They're always happy to get the eggs, sometimes we'll bring 6 dozen or so.
Hard boil them. Let them cool, take a couple out to your chickens and step on the boiled egg. Excellent for the chickens. I also freeze the the hard boiled eggs for winter when the chickens are short on the greens.
NOTE: don't let the chickens break them themselves or they will connect fresh eggs to the boiled ones, a squashed egg is a real treat.
I have read that eggs can be frozen....maybe freeze them for when your ladies aren't laying?
Get yourself one of those silicon rubbery type ice trays and crack the egg and "pour" the egg into the cube. This is something I read a while back but have not tried yet. I was talking to the wife today about that and was wondering just what is used to cover the ice tray. Do you wrap it plastic wrap? Vacuum wrap? Or does the tray have a LID? Gotta research this further !! But the eggs can keep a long while if not Freezer Burnt. God Bless USMC66'-

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