What Do You Fill Your Nestboxes With??

anything you put in will get 'messed on'. With these, just shake OR rinse.

I also keep them dusted with a heavy load of Diatomaceous Earth to keep any crawlies off the girls.
I'm in the Tulsa area about 15 miles north and I have a variety of ages I'm willing to sell. I have Buff Orphington/Rir mix, White Leghorns, EE's, and a few mixes. PM or Email me if your interested.

Pine needles from my yard
Hay, because it's available locally in square bales and they don't kick it out, as they did pine shavings. Seems to cushion the eggs well. When I change it I spray or dust with mite/lice stuff (permethrin/pyrethrins usually.) Don't believe DE works for these. Would use pine straw or dry leaves if they were available for free.
My dad has a pellet stove that he heats his house with and whenever a bag becomes unusable (damp), he gives me the bag and I put that in the nesting boxes. The pellets work well, break down into sawdust and the boxes are easily cleaned up.
I use what ever is handy including, hay, straw, pine straw, shredded paper (don't like so much) pine and cedar shavings, leaves. Never tried the nest pads. I also dust with DE when I clean the nest boxes. DE doesn't wear out so it doesn't need to be changed more often. Also for those that use permethrin or other chemical powders, most are only 5% permethrin and 95% inactive ingredient. Many times that inactive ingredient is DE.

I like to use hay and pine straw mixed, in my brooder coop. The broody will snack on the hay while she is setting.

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