What do you have in your flock?

I have 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 EEs, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Australorp, and 1 Silkie


I don't have a huge flock , but I have a golden laced brahma, a black sex-link, a barred rock, a silver laced cochin and a old English bantam rooster.

Are they the same ages? I like your assortment of breeds but would be suspicious of the Black Sexlink since they can be assertive from what I've heard by owners.
Officially now-
3 RIR.
3 BR.
4 white leghorn.
3 BO.
3 EE.
7 welsummer- just arrived this morning!
1 pekin duckling
2 Rouen ducklings.

My husband thought we only had like 13 chickens & 3 ducks- ha ha ha!!
Are they the same ages?  I like your assortment of breeds but would be suspicious of the Black Sexlink since they can be assertive from what I've heard by owners.

Depends on breeding origins with black sexlinks, I've heard from most that they are much nicer than leghorns (w/c I have 2)and yet great layers. I just got 3 black sexlinks 6 wks ago, so we will see.

So total of 38 (3 generations of Plymouth barred rocks, Wyandottes, Leghorns, Black Copper Marans, Blue Marans, Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps, Black Sexlinks, New Hampshires, Amerecaunas, Easter Eggers, & Speckled Sussex) of which the 1st gens will be camping to Freezer Mountains
when the 3rd gens start laying in June or so.
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at the moment i have

4 buff orpingtons
4 ISA browns

Hoping to get some heritage rhode island reds in the next couple days. Also going to eventually switch over to welsummers #cantwait
4-5 week olds
3 EE sold as Ameraucanas, but even when i bought them I knew better. Very interesting colors though.
1 lav ameraucana
2 black Ameraucana
2 wheaton ameraucanas
2 week olds
2 welsummer
2 silver laced wyandotte pullets
6 light brahma pullets
All these and they are my first chickens as adults.
Would love a couple of australorpz but no one around me has any. As ive had no losses so far do not want to try shipping

i know how you feel. I want some welsummers, but cant find them anywhere local. I think im going to try meyer hatchery for them. Im nervous with shipping chicks as ive never done that.....but i might not have a choice

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