Crested Cream Legbar, Welsummer, Birchen Marans, Black Giant , Black and blue Copper Marans, BBS English Orpingtons, LF and bantam BLRW, Frost White legbars, Whiting True Blues (new this year), Belgian Malines, Ancona, Auburn Sumatra, Black Dorking, Black leghorn, Crevecoeur, White Cubalaya, White Chantecler, Blue Andalusian, Icelandic, Rhode Island Red, Silverudd's Blue, Rhodebar, Jaerhon ,Tolbunt Polish, Black Bresse, bantam Ameracauna. I have one or two of some and a dozen or more of the others. Trying to figure out which I like best, and growing out breeding stock.
Oh, and 15 of McMurrays Cornish roasters...... for a few more weeks, anyway.
Oh, and 15 of McMurrays Cornish roasters...... for a few more weeks, anyway.