what do you have???


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 30, 2009
what breeds of chickens do u have, what do you use them for??? just wanna see why others have gotten chickens, and what breeds populates the country. thanks!
rir, bo. br, ee. black australop, brown leghorn, new h red, speckeld susex,

we use them for eggs and we west tons of $$$ for these chickens, so they are just for fun.
See my signature line!

The banty cochin & Polish are just for show, though I do hope the Polish will lay. The banty has never laid and she's 13 months old.
Two Phoenix, two RIR, Three EE, four Isa Browns and five BR. The Phoenix were given to us from my BIL because he had too many. The rest are mostly for eggs.
Oh yeah, we just put four cornish X in the freezer.
6 RIR, and 6 Red Stars. I LOVE them!!

We use them for Chicken TV... and hopefully this fall for eggs, too!

Hoping to get more next spring. I'm still new to this and want to see how they do this winter.
Four Buff Coachen, three specaled susex, three productin and five silver winadottes chicks. Ho, and two Lankenvelders. I use them all for eggs.
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I have 2 EE, 3 silver laced Wyandottes, 1 Barred rock ( the kids actually fight to hold her cause she is so sweet and cute).
We hatched them so they are like pets. They are 5 weeks old.
Have 12 eggs in bator right now due on the 15 with more Barred rocks so the kids will stop fighting over the cuty.

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