what do you have???

4 BR, 2 BA, 2 GLW, 2 RIR, 2 SLW (all 1 yr old) recently supplemented by 2 more SLW, 2 SS, 2 PR, 2 EE, 2 RSL and 2 Khaki Campbell ducks....... and soon to be supplemented by about 6 more Khaki Campbell ducks..... eggs, decoration, endless entertainment, and one more group of critters for me to spend all my leftover (and some not so leftover) $$$ on LOL..... let's not even mention the Narrangansett turkey plans for later down the road....
10 RIRs, 12 white legs, 2 brown legs, and 21 brown and white leg chicks 6 weeks old, 19 RIR peeps 4 weeks old ,10 dont know what they are 12 weeks old, 14 cornish rocks and 5 roos outside. mostly for eggs, the rocks will be for the barbie this summer and the roos are neat to watch and 4 black jap bannies 2 hens and 2 roos Ron
I have 4 red sex link pullets and a buff orpington roo for eggs

And 2 bantam cochins, an oegb pullet, a d'uccle pullet and an oegb rooster for Teh pretty. The cochins are the only chickens laying thus far, but what the hey. I'll probably eventually breed the OEGB.
I have sex links hens, BLRW roo...5 mixed chicks, three leghorn pullets and 4 SLW and GLW.

Edited because I forgot the 3 silkies I have that are a couple weeks old.
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kunas you have the howl shebang. Nice well rounded flock.
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We have 3 Easter Eggers, 3 Barred Rocks, 6 Delawares, 12 Buckeyes, 6 black Jersey Giants, 11 mottled Javas, 3 Welsummers and 3 salmon Faverolles. Some of the Delawares, Buckeyes and Javas are excess roos and will ultimately be butchered for meat. However, right now, they are all being spoiled.
wow! gotta love your chickens!
i sometimes feel that i have chicken fever, but now i feel at home!!
thanks yall
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12 Buff orpingtons
4 Production reds
7 silkies
4 molted cochins
1 mille fleur d'uccle
1 silkie/aracuana mix
12 EE's
9 polish
50 chickens!!

The BO, PR, and EE's are dual purpose birds, but mostly kept for eggs. The rest of the flock is mostly pets and also generous egg givers.

They are a lot of work but worth it.

I also have white & buff silkies and MF eggs in the bator, 10 wild eastern turkeys hatching tonight, and 125 quail eggs being shipped!

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