what do you have???

Over 70 chicks & 13 adult birds ~ RIR, BR, BO, Some black kind I don't know, BCM, Lavender Orpingtons, Games, EEs, Andalusian, with Cochin eggs due to hatch this coming week, BCM due to hatch in 2 weeks, with more on the way.

I sell eggs, trade eggs, eat eggs, use eggs in crafts, and hatch eggs.

We eat the chickens I decide I don't want to keep. Sell chicks. I like watching the hens.
Bantam Cochins: Barred, Golden Laced, Buff, Splash, Partridge & Mottled
Bantam OEG: Crele, Speckled, Red Pyle, Lemon Blue, Blue-tailed Mille Fleur & 2 Mixed
Feather Legged Cuckoo Marans
Polish: Red Crested Red, White Crested Blue, Buff Laced & Golden Laced
Black & White Langshans
Easter Eggers
California Whites
White Leghorns
Buff Orpingtons
Black Wyandottes
Silver Laced Wyandottes
Barred Rocks
Several Mixed Breeds


Ducks: Blue Swedish, Fawn & White Indian Runners, Buff, Black East Indies, Black Indian Runners, Chocolates Indian Runners & some mixed

Please do not ask me for the numbers!!!!!
I stopped counting at 99!
The banties are my kids show chickens. So are 2 of the polish colors. The rest are my layers and a couple of breeds that I'd like to breed. I hope to sell enough eggs to help with feed and maybe sell some chicks. We'll see what happens with all of that.
Oh, in the incubator: 9 guinea eggs. On the way: 12+ showgirl/silkie eggs and 12+ BBS Ameracauna eggs.
We have 6 Rhode Island Red, 6 Silver Phoenix, 7 Ameraucanas, 6 White Sultans, 5 Barred Rock, 6 Red Star, 8 Old English Game, 5 Buff Orpington, 6 Light Brahma, 2 Black Jersey Giant Hens, 2 Brown leghorn, roughly 18 cross breeds, and 6 bantams. Mostly eggs, plan to breed in the future. But mostly pets... absolutely love chickens ecspecially the roos.
I have just 10 plain uninteresting RIR' mixed with sexlinks. How ever, the more I read here he more I am convinced that I have a lot of roos! So my number may go down, very soon.
I have
3 six week old hatchery “Americanas” which of course are just EE’s
3 six week old Gold Link’s
4 four week old Gold Link’s
4 four week old Black Sex Link’s
2 two and a half week old Buff Orpington’s
2 two and a half week old California White’s

They are all supposed to be pullets and so far I don’t have any that make me think otherwise.

I would love to have more but have to wait until next year. I don’t think I would be able to convince my DH to build another chicken coop.
I have 34 chickens ranging from 1 week old to 1year old:

3 RIRs
2 BSLs
3 BOs
2 Australorps
7 EEs (2 of them bantams)
1 BR
2 Light Brahmas
2 Cochins
1 Silver Sebright
2 Japanese Bantams
5 Silkies
2 Red Frizzles

All of them for eggs and enjoyment.
I have 23 (originally 24) chickens, purchased from a local farm store. I have not askes where they were hatched.

8 Rhode Island Reds (RIR)
8 Easter Eggers (EE) that were labeled Araucana
4 Gold Lace Wyandottes (GLW)
3 Silver Lace Wyandottes (SLW)

One of the SLW chicks drowned in the waterer on day 2. They are about 7 weeks old today (6/5/09)

So far I am not sure any of them is a roo, but watching Georgie the SLW and one of my unnamed EEs for more signs.
Rhode Island Reds
Barred Rocks
Black Copper Marans
Banty Cochins
Lavender Orpingtons
Easter Eggers
Buff Orpingtons
Frizzle cochins in the bator.

Close to 100 birds all together.

I had to update since my cochin chicks hatched LOL
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Wow...I am just smalltime peanuts compared to most of you!

(Thanks to Treegirl from this BB) I have 5 10wk old pullets:
2 Delawares - Noodle & Salad
2 Black Stars - Xtra Crispy & Markena
1 Houdan - Misty Cologne

I am still flabbergasted at how much personality they have so young
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