What do you like to do with your eggs?

Egg salad quesadillas - sounds like a fried tortilla stuffed with egg salad. Hmmm.

We eat scrambled eggs with jalapenos, onions and mushrooms on the weekends. Scramble an egg and eat with salad & salsa. Crazy Lady likes egg sandwiches and boiled eggs. Baking and frittatas (gluten free quiche) are very popular. Weather is turning, so floating boiled eggs in gumbo is a big hit.

The pullets are starting to lay, so thanks for all the ideas. Looks like we are eating more eggs. Not complaining, they taste better fresh from the bird's butt.
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:lau We eat them ALL! But I only have 5 chickens and 5 people and get a max of 3 a day at the moment . . . but we have been known to go through 4 dozen a week, so I'm looking forward to getting a few more chickens so we can do things like make meringues and pound cakes . . .
Yeah! someone who knows the value of having chickens, My plan for my chickens is to let them into the raspberry patch to till, fertilize, eat and supply eggs. Chickens love to scratch and dig and the weeds die, as they walk they fertilize ( leave hen droppings(poop)) along the way then come back later and till it into the soil, they eat the weeds and some bugs. Where chickens fertilize and till the soil there are many more earth worms to also till and aireate the soil. so it is in-win.
Most of mine are given to family members or I feed them back to my birds either cooked or raw. I get a lot of eggs at the height of the season, and we aren't big egg eaters, I just like chickens.
You sound like me. I don't eat eggs but I just wanted ducks 'cause we had some neighborhood muscovies at my old home and I was obsessed.
We just give our eggs away to family and friends
My favorite food is breakfast burritos, I am also perfecting a hard-boiled egg recipe. I noticed that when I used eggs from our chickens the deviled eggs tasted very vinegary, even when they had just mayo and mustard. At the moment I am using a German mustard. I also sell some at work for a reasonable price. I also make egg-salad quesadillas . Those are awesome.

I have noticed that my non-egg protein consumption has gone down.

I've never had egg-salad quesadillas, but sounds interesting. Please do tell.

I DO love chorizo, egg, refried bean breakfast burritos. Just bought a big tube of chorizo. Quiche tonight.
I eat some with family members, give out some and sell some to those who needs fertile eggs for incubation.
Since I'm allergic, I give them away to the people at my church, or anyone who visits. Many people say they can't go back to store eggs because they just don't taste the same as my eggs. It makes me wish I could have them!
I can't source oyster shell where I live so all eggshells go to the chickens the next morning uncooked. They take what they like and occaisionally I chuck eggsess in the vege patch or garden.

I make sure a few people have a dozen in their fridge, donate a few and the rest is for me, my dogs and my chickens. I love scrambled eggs and omelette so the first round I make is usually for chickens and the second has my favorite fillings and additives. My egg pasta salad always has more egg than pasta:p One of my dogs always licks her lips when I return from the coop with eggs and eats one cracked fresh on the lawn, another dog frequently sits beside her bowl (she likes a dash of milk mixed in minus the shell):rolleyes:.

I am curious what other animals do people feed their eggs to? Aside from chickens and dogs?

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