What do you think of this coop?

1 inch is 2.54 cm. So 200÷2.54=~79 inches, 150÷2.54=~59 inches, and 190÷2.54=~75 inches.

12 inches per foot.

So 79÷12 Is ~6.5 feet, 59÷12 is ~5 feet and 75÷12 Is 6.25 feet.

IF (and big if because I'm not great at converting) my math is right, and depending on which measurement is height, there are 3 options:

6.5x5 is 32.5 sq feet (8S/16B)
5x5.25 is 26.25 sq feet (6S/12-13B)
6.5x5.25 is 34.125 sq feet. (8S/16-17B)

General guidelines are 4 sq feet per standard and 2 sq feet per bantam
I'm thinking about buying it. Looks good to me. What do you think?
@aart @DobieLover
Looks great! But can you get inside the little door to clean it out? Just makes life easier having accessibility! 💩
I have 13 (incl chicks) and my coop is about 3.5 metres x 3.5, about 2.5 high. I could house about 15 Silkies comfortably I think so this one you picked out seems quite small for your ideal 15-20 amount, and this usually expands by at least 10 + 🤔 chicken math.
Rules of Thumb
  • If it looks like a dollhouse it's only suitable for toy chickens.
  • If it's measured in inches instead of feet it's too small. (centimeters instead of meters for non-Americans)
  • If your walk-in closet is larger than the coop-run combo you're thinking of buying think carefully about whether you have an utterly awesome closet or are looking at a seriously undersized chicken coop.
  • If it has more nestboxes than the number of chickens it can legitimately hold the designer knew nothing about chickens' actual needs and it probably has other design flaws too.

It's cute. But too small for the numbers you want to house and would need radical modification to add ventilation.

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