What do you "waste" money on???

I dont really consider it "wasting" though there are people that would! Hatching eggs, books, movies, spend money on my dogs etc.
Thankfully after paying all the bills, we have some $$ to play with. We end up spending a lot on our puppy, 10 month old American Bulldog, Blue Buffalo is somewhat pricey and he goes through a 30 lb bag in under a month. Patrick also treats him to canned food several times a week. Then just about every month he gets a new toy, and don't even ask about all the treats. He will be becoming a service dog though, so we might end up getting some allowance from VA towards his food. Comparing to the dog, the cat is cheap. Patrick buys a lot of gun related stuff, but that might turn into a business. So I can't really consider those waste.
I do waste on kitchen and baking, have a weakness for kitchen appliances and found out I'm actually decent at baking. Patrick wastes on cigarettes and Red Bull, although they help to settle his stomach (Thank you VA, please await being sued). We also go out to the bar/pool place with friends just about every weekend, and even though it's not a lot usually, it still adds up. And we waste entirely too much on going out to eat. That will be getting changed as of this week.

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