What do Yours Eat?

I really like this post. I am still learning what to feed my chickens besides feed. So far I have fed them certain weeds like Clover, wide leaf plantain, tuna, turkey, blueberries, rice, and worms, and I have oatmeal that I heard they will like so I will do that soon. I understand that as long as the food isn't preserved or has lots of seasoning they can eat it. I have learned what they can't eat so I think I am doing alright. If you have any ideas please let me know.
My chickens are bottomless pits. They live for snacks! They get all my fruit and vegie scraps; favorites are blueberries, tomatoe, zuchini. They get leftovers from the fridge, pretty much anything heading to the trash goes to them instead. They love pasta and rice! I always boil extra noodles when Im cooking so they can have some... Spoiled brats! Between the birds, cats and dogs we have virtually zero food waste. Love it.
Mine love the black oil sunflower seeds I toss out every evening around 6. Gracie, my Buff Orpington, even follows me into the shed and shows me where it is.
No, I don't shell them. I get them at the grocery store in the bird seed section. I think they are already shelled. At least the hens eat them and ask for more,;)

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