What does a trill "Tr.tr.tr.tr.tr.trTrTrTrTr" mean?

I have a RIR that goes around Bawking ALOT!!!
Bawk Bawk Bawk!!!
Is it normal for a hen to do that or is she an actual he???

She is about 14 months old. I have 12 chickens and she and one other seems to be the only ones that goes around doing this.
Is this normal?
I'm about to make chicken soup...LOL.

I have a light brahma hen that does that. Named her for my hubby's ex-wife, but eventually changed her name to Jezebel. After two years of listening to it now I just say "Jezzie, shut up!' and she listens.
Mine do it too and it's usually a warning that a hawk is near. When a hawk is much closer or something else stalking about the yard then it's a really loud bawking similar to the ones they make just after they've laid an egg.
Aww, man!!
Funny post, and had to add an anecdote. I picked two beautiful EE's today, and on the ride home we kept hearing that "trtrtrtrtrtr" trilling noise. We laughted, it sounded so cute, and boyfriend said, "none of your other chickens have made that noise". Since getting home I have been combing the treads and started one of my own to get votes on their gender. So now I KNOW one of them is a roo, possibly both. DANG IT!! They are so sweet together, too. I can't keep roos in the city limits!! That "tr..tr.. tr" will be a "cock a doodle doo" in no time, huh?!
I remember that call from about 40 years ago when my grandmother gave me a little banty and her little brood. That's the sound she would make when she wanted them to run for cover and then be completely still till she said it was OK. I tried it on my 21 hatchery chicks (who never knew a mother besides me) and sure enough that's exactly what they did; they shot over to the little banana trees and stood silently until I started telling them it was OK. I felt kind of bad about it, but at least I know it works.
That is so cool! I just noticed yesterday my rooster did it in the coop. The silkies went and hid in the corner, and he went and pecked at one of them. One screeched. They must do it to warn that they are "coming for them" too? Or is he practicing to get them to cover?? LOL... So neat that they have their own language! However, I was not impressed when he made one of my silkies screech!
Yes, they have their own language and the roo generally uses more of the different vocalizations than the hens.
I have five day old chicks in an outdoor brooder that are already paying attention to the sounds my roo makes.
I think the trill noise sounds cute to us so we think it is friendly. In truth, as far as I can tell, it is a juvenile version of a hens growl or warning rumble that they can do and is very much a threat. I cluck to my birds, they seem to not mind that and I have sen it calm down panicked chicks.

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