What does it mean exactly when a rooster flaps his wings at you?

A display of virility and fitness is obviously for the ladies sake, but isn't it also a warning to the competition that I can and will kick your behind if necessary?
I'm not sure Geena. You would need to observe whether the rooster does this movement when there are no other chickens to see it. Despite my rooster watching I can't say it's something I've looked for. I will look for it in the future. One hard to answer question is would a rooster make this display even if there were no observers.
The problem I often have understanding chicken behaviour is a change in circumstances may produce the same physical and vocal responses. Often it's easier to watch and listen to what the rest of the group do. If one didn't see hens running for cover at the warning call of the rooster it would be much more difficult to say with any certainty that it is in fact a warning call. See all that 100 times in various circumstances and you can be fairly confident.
It can also be used to attract attention of observers that do not see you until you make display. I take single game roosters out away from all other chickens from time to time. The isolated birds also do the display and it makes them briefly highly visible to parties that may not yet be aware of the rooster's presence.
A display of virility and fitness is obviously for the ladies sake, but isn't it also a warning to the competition that I can and will kick your behind if necessary?

Mine do just the opposite. The dominant rooster never does it to the other roosters, but the less dominant ones do it when the dominant one enters their space, and then they move away from him. It's almost like it's an acknowledgement of the pecking order, like "OK you're the boss, don't hurt me".
I thought the same thing with a cockerel I had awhile back. He was so handsome and so chill, easy to handle, never got excited about anything and never showed any aggression towards me at all. Every time he saw me he would flap his wings. Not in the way a rooster does where they stand up tall and make a big show of it, just a little flap, flap, and tuck back in. I thought it was just his way of greeting me, waving hello.

Then one day he suddenly flew up at my face. Even then I didn't think too much of it, because he was such a good boy, until he continued doing it and I saw that he meant business! He was an odd one, never showed any other signs of aggression, never tidbitted, danced, flogged, pecked, flared his hackles or stepped at me, nothing, just one day decided that he needed to kill my face.

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I sure hope mine doesn't turn out that way!
It is as centrarchid mentions a display of virility and fitness. It is not an aggressive action.
This article might help you understand your rooster.
Ah, I believe I've read your article before. Well written, I think I shall read it again. In fact, I've read multiple articles about roosters when I first discovered that I had a rooster about a year ago, detailed in this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/how-to-raise-a-good-rooster.1302317/ It's good to know that the action is not aggressive.
Mine do just the opposite. The dominant rooster never does it to the other roosters, but the less dominant ones do it when the dominant one enters their space, and then they move away from him. It's almost like it's an acknowledgement of the pecking order, like "OK you're the boss, don't hurt me".
That's what I was wondering. Sometimes he will not even go the whole way, just slightly lift his wing, then put them down again.
I'm considering turning him into dinner, but he's not shown any aggression outside of that one incident. Like, I mean, literally nothing.
Many a Stew Pidasso's are perfect gentile men until they aren't.

My very favorite and loved cockerel... was such a good boy... then one day I felt something brush the back of my leg... I was in disbelief and denial... then it happened again... it escalated despite my not being scared or running away.

I've raised many cockerels... only a few were stupid enough to come clear across the yard and chase my dog that had been playing Frisbee since the day they came home. :drool

I'm sorry... but an attack to the back of a playing kid would be an issue for me... and for a "first" attack to actually draw blood... oh no, that's a deal breaker! :smack

How old is this boy anyways??? He is showing a clear lack of discernment IMO. Lil sister wasn't seriously hurt THIS time, why risk her loosing an eye or getting seriously hurt? I don't consider it an isolated event... just the first one... an he went after the weakest.

Even my broody's are jerks... once they get someone on the run (a flock mate) the think they have the upper hand and so use sneak attacks to their advantage even when they are lower in the pecking order.
Many a Stew Pidasso's are perfect gentile men until they aren't.

My very favorite and loved cockerel... was such a good boy... then one day I felt something brush the back of my leg... I was in disbelief and denial... then it happened again... it escalated despite my not being scared or running away.

I've raised many cockerels... only a few were stupid enough to come clear across the yard and chase my dog that had been playing Frisbee since the day they came home. :drool

I'm sorry... but an attack to the back of a playing kid would be an issue for me... and for a "first" attack to actually draw blood... oh no, that's a deal breaker! :smack

How old is this boy anyways??? He is showing a clear lack of discernment IMO. Lil sister wasn't seriously hurt THIS time, why risk her loosing an eye or getting seriously hurt? I don't consider it an isolated event... just the first one... an he went after the weakest.

Even my broody's are jerks... once they get someone on the run (a flock mate) the think they have the upper hand and so use sneak attacks to their advantage even when they are lower in the pecking order.
He is just over a year old.

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