What else eats your outdoor cat food?

When I lived in Texas I had slugs eating my cat food at night. :sick
Slugs LOVE cat food! Slugs are everywhere here. Good place for ducks.

I don't leave cat food out at night unless I'm feeling careless. Mostly because it will just get slimed by slugs and the cat won't go near it. Slugs will get to cat food in no time!

As well, word gets out and I end up feeding at least 4 of the neighbours cats and then usually I get a new cat I've never seen and then my cat is stressed out by all the other cats.
After a few months I finally caught it! It’s a baby I have partially tamed. He won’t hold still for belly, so I grabbed upper body.

Him in his temporary home (I am keeping him).

And he loves his head scratched:)

I love him a lot, can’t wait till he gets tamed completely! FYI, I handle many wild animals, like possums, Farrell cats, and more, so without that knowledge, you can be hurt easily, please do not try this.

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