What exactly was he?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 17, 2010
The rooster pictured in my Avatar was our very loved Roo. We lost him just yesterday to a predator who just left him in our yard (we suspect fisher cat). We are very upset by this. We raised him from a day old chick and he was our only rooster. He was lively and beautiful and ruled the roost. I would love to know what his coloration was considered? He was supposed to be an Aracauna but since they are supposed to lack tails I suspected Ameracauna but don't really know too much about it. Eventually we will get another. But only when we find the right one and I would like the same breed. He was just such a fun roo.

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I am so sorry for your loss.
My Loddie Da, My first rooster, was a Easter egger also.

I think he was a Easter egger or a non-standard bred color Ameraucana

Do you have any pics of his side, so I can see the body color better?
I will try to look for one, He looked like he had a saddle on his back.
True, but she can at least ask around if anyone has a EE roo that is _______ in color?

& the color that comes nearest to what he was is "Red pyle."


good luck hope you can find another baby as sweet as him.
Oh wow, I'm so sorry for your loss.
He was beautiful and the same color as one of my EE hens. She's got that same coloring and chest feathers. Here's a pict when she was much younger:


She had her tail picked by the other chickens, hence the purple. Since then, it's grown back and she's lovely.

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