what gender and breed are these chicks?


Jan 27, 2018
I have a broody hen that hatched 6 chicks,I am wondering what breed and gender they are,they are 6weeks old and most likely crosses of some different breeds. IMG_20180617_130009.jpg this is pudding she/he has 8 toes total. IMG_20180617_130020.jpg Tilly is in the front and Eggy is in the back Tilly has 8 toes and a eggy has 9. IMG_20180617_130012.jpg
This is Milk tea has 8toes I think he's a boy.
I have 2 more chicks I just don't have a good picture of them.
It is almost impossible to tell what a hybrid mix is without some prior knowledge of the possible parentage.

There can be some traits which are typically breed specific that can help, some being dominant that helps you follow the trail back to the parent (but many breeds share similar traits too):
Pea combs (dominant)
Rose comb (dominant....rose and pea together produce walnut...single is lack of pea or rose)
Tufting (partially dominant)
Crests (partially dominant)
Vaulted Skulls (not sure of dominance)
5 toes (partially dominant)
Yellow shanks (supposedly dominant, but I've seen yellow shank to yellow shank produce slate)
White feathered (if dominant white)
Black feathered (is usually dominant, but can be overcome with some colors)
Blue shells (dominant)
Barring (dominant)
Black skin (partially dominant)

But the problem, as stated, is so many breeds share similar traits that all you can say is a chick came from, for example, a 5 toed barred pea combed linage. You can't even say which parent it would have been as both offer 50% of the genetics.

It is almost impossible to tell what a hybrid mix is without some prior knowledge of the possible parentage.

There can be some traits which are typically breed specific that can help, some being dominant that helps you follow the trail back to the parent (but many breeds share similar traits too):
Pea combs (dominant)
Rose comb (dominant....rose and pea together produce walnut...single is lack of pea or rose)
Tufting (partially dominant)
Crests (partially dominant)
Vaulted Skulls (not sure of dominance)
5 toes (partially dominant)
Yellow shanks (supposedly dominant, but I've seen yellow shank to yellow shank produce slate)
White feathered (if dominant white)
Black feathered (is usually dominant, but can be overcome with some colors)
Blue shells (dominant)
Barring (dominant)
Black skin (partially dominant)

But the problem, as stated, is so many breeds share similar traits that all you can say is a chick came from, for example, a 5 toed barred pea combed linage. You can't even say which parent it would have been as both offer 50% of the genetics.

Yeah I guess with so many chicken breeds it's hard to tell who's who.
What breeds of possible parent birds do you have? Please list whether they are hens or roosters.
Well I don't own the chicks biological parents,I bought them from a friend I know they have a dorking rooster black copper marans hens and roosters susex hens maybe roosters i think buff orpingtons hens 1 polish hen some Easter eggers hens and roosters and more but,i don't know all of them and the breeds i wrote may be mixed breeds too and they hatched from pinkish or creamy colored eggs.
Pudding Tilly and Eggy look like pullets. Milk tea is a cockerel. Pudding is gorgeous by the way! I can see a bit of a crest on her and dark skin so maybe some silkie in her.

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