What gender is this?

I don't think anyone meant to make fun of you, we were actually aiming it at your uncle if anyone. You were not to know since it arrived in a crate and after being told it was a hen its normal to second guess your own thought that its not.

I was unsure when our first chicks had one rooster among them but he grew so differently even we as total novices had our suspicions and the crowing confirmed them. I'd never confuse a rooster a second time.
I find it very hard to believe by that age your uncle didn't at least have his doubts ( unless it didn't arrive looking like that as your post reads but you've had it a little while?)

If it arrived looking like that I would take it right back since you can't keep it.

Also something to think about for next time as it sounded like you put him straight in with the others is that it is very easy to bring disease into your flock with new birds. A sick bird may not show symptoms for up to a month but in that time infect the rest of your flock. Plenty of threads by people who have lost all their birds after unknowingly adding a new sick one. Its good practice to keep any new bird away from your existing flock in quarentine for 4-6 weeks just to be safe.
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I did quarantine him for about a week before I let him with the others. I haven't had him very long and he was looking rough at first. My one little Delaware has been sneezing, and I've been giving her oxytetracycline in her water. She's getting MUCH better! I would have kept him away longer, but I don't really have the set up to quarantine birds very long. He was a surprise in several ways.
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Ok so does anyone know for sure what kind he is? I'm thinking RIR, but I don't know many breeds.
I think he looks like a RIR too but I am not sure if he is purebred or not.

He's a hatchery quality Rhode Island Red rooster.

Hopefully you can find a home for him, or is your uncle in a position to take him back? If not, he looks about the age for a nice table bird.
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He's a hatchery-quality Rhode Island Red rooster. Not show-quality, but a pretty boy all the same!
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