What greens do you grow?


Crossing the Road
Jun 27, 2021
As the fall is approaching in my area, one of the best things to plant are greens. My favorites are:
Swiss chard (tastes like a cross between beet greens and spinach, we mostly like to sautee it but the baby leaves are good in a salad, and it grows straight from spring to fall if you harvest the biggest leaves as they grow. Even had a deer eat it down to the nubs one year and the plants grew back strong a few weeks later!)

I have grown collards but my family thought they were too bitter. There’s lots of Asian greens we have never tried. I planted curly endive this year for the first time.

Curious to know what greens you grow, and if they are on the less-common side, if you could give a brief description of taste and how to prepare would love to get some new ideas of what to plant!
What is Chinese spinach?
We grow this type.
I grow a ton of greens and eat some for lunch every day. Lacinato kale, collards, cabbage, swiss chard, spinach chard, mustard, various lettuces, kohrabi. Peas are double duty for me (I love the greens more than the actual peas). Asian greens include: arugula, komatsuna, chijimisai, chirimen, tatsoi.

These root veggies do double duty for greens and the root: radish, turnip, beets.

I really struggle with bok choy and spinach so don't see much point in growing them when they're otherwise readily available.

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