What Happened To My Brother At An Expensive Restaurant.

I agree! Embarrassing? Oh yes! And I doubt the boy even realized what he was really saying! I remember my son having a big scratch on his face and a lady in front of us in the grocery store line (in a sweet tone of voice) asking him how he hurt himself (he was about three). He announced "My mommy did it!" I wanted to die right there on the spot I was so embarrassed. I don't remember how he's gotten scratched, but it wasn't me...lol!!! Kids say the darnest things!!!
I think the 60's brought on what we're dealing with now! I grew up in the 50's and that was about the last of the age of innocence. I think it's a good thing that we're more aware of child molestation, pornography, abuse, etc. but the pendulum seems to have swung too far the other way.

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