What have you repurposed while building ?

But he’s a very nice guy because he has taken some of his re-purposed material and made a mini house for one of my pigs. And made me a very small chicken coop. It’s not really a cute but it’s up high for the chickens and they use it for quick access to shelter from a stormAnd recently have like to use it as a giant nesting box. I’ve seen three of them in there at one time laying. Oh and he made us a small table for our run
I keep baling twine from all my bales ( go through about 3-4 a week) Someone once said bailing twine makes any Homesteader MacGyver. And it’s so true. I love that you crochet slippers and such out of them. That is an awesome idea and I’d love to crochet when I actually have time. I have fixed many Goat and pig fences with it. Along with various other things I have used it for.
Makes passable gate hinges, too.
I bet it would be pretty easy to figure out! They cut pretty easy, you could probably even use the piece you cut off to make a ramp for the eggs to roll down. Fortunately, we have a pretty unlimited supply of them because two of our neighbors have lots of cats. I'm trying to figure out what else I can do with them instead of my husband stacking them up in the garage...

I’ve heard of those. I was actually the other day looking at a cat litter bucket trying to see how I could convert it into a rollaway nest box

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