what hunting dog breed do you perfer and why ?

For birds my dad liked to use english setters and pointers together. He said that the setters could go in the brairs that the pointers couldn't. For rodents my best mouser is our english setter Lady. She also takes care of the possom and squirrels. For a dog of 13, She still pretty swift and in good shape. My carin terrier, Herbie, is a good mouser too.


I've not hunted much, but I'm partial to Mountain Curr types. My grandpa used to raise them (and hunt them) and they are just very good dogs. They are smart dogs, and they seem to "know" a friend from an enemy so good guard dogs around the house. We had them when I was little, they were good raised around us kids. The girls were um, stubbern sometimes, but my grandpa was a good pack leader.
They won't back down from wild hogs and such, they will fight fiercely when necessary.

I have a Lab mix, and he's smart enough to know not to bring me the chickens
but he's just sooooooooooo hyper that I don't think he would make my list of top favorite breeds. Nobody in my family has ever hunted birds, so I don't even know how anyway. Hawk retreives balls and frizbees instead

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