What I hoped would never happen has..

If it were me, and its probably good that it isnt because i tend to not think things through. I would print out that law regarding shooting animals and do the following. The next time it comes in your yard tape the statute to one side of the dog and spray paint a bulls eye on the other.
I just read the whole thread and would like to add my sympathy to you and your whole situation.

As I read the OH statue you have the right to kill the animal that attacked your "poultry"....chickens are poultry and that is specifically meantioned...

I know you have the shotguns ready, as you should. But I read a wonderful idea on another thread. First shoot the animal with a paintball gun. Then go to the owner and tell them that the next time it will be a slug, not a paint spot. You will have covered your own *** and put the owner on notice that there is no way they can claim "It's not my dog/cat/pet raccoon"

I don't own a paintball gun myself, but I do own a pellet gun....A few pellets in the hind quarters are just as undenyable as paint (and I hope not overly painful to the offending animal. I know it's not the animal, but the human owner)
I just read this thread and boy is my blood boiling. About 2 years ago something similar happened to me and one of my girls. Very long story short, the neighbors dogs came onto our property and mortally wounded one of my girls. While I was getting support from my friends at BYC she bled to death in my arms. Lets see. Short I said.

Called the police. He took a report and said the dog warden was off for the night and would call me the next day

Dog warden (useless grubby man who couldn't keep his hands off his fly) didn't know his job from a hole in the ground

Dog warden talked to neighbors....they said it's not our dog

I go by the book. God fearing always honest and trusting to a fault (not anymore) my parents always said 'if you ever need help go to the police and they will make things right'.

Got police reports, pictures, reports of the dog being brought to the pound numerous times, filled out small claims court paperwork. All of this cost me just over $117.00

Went to court, husband missed 3 hours of work, judge made me look like I did something wrong. Judge awarded us $45.00. Neighbor still has not paid.

Dog continues to come on property.......tried to dig under the fenced in coop. Thank goodness for hardware cloth. Call police again. I should have saved time and just talked to a blade of grass.

Called the state. EUREKA! Guess what...in the state of New Hampshire if a dog is stalking, chasing,worrying or harming your livestock ( I verified that poultry are livestock) on your property that dog can be legally shot.

I noticed a pattern. It happened mostly on weekends. I dug a hole for a cherry tree I always wanted. Bought the tree and put it by the hole. Dragged out the hose to water the tree and left the shovel to fill in the hole.

Well I planted that tree, watered well, and gave it lots of fertilizer.

Maybe someday if that cherry tree dies someone will replace it and find a green dog collar.

Someone on here e-mailed me when this was going on and I was so very frustrated. He said SOS Darlin'. SHOOT SHOVEL SHUT UP

The dogs owner, the police, my husband, the judicial system were not going to fix the problem and I found a solution.

Never ever mess with the momma chicken
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I just read where you were told by someone not to go onto the farmers property? Sounds like you live in a lawless town. Who said you couldn't go on his property? Is it properly and legally posted? Ohio is not far from New Hampshire. Does your property line meet his? If it does we can have some real fun. I'm an unemployed 44 year woman with a bad back going through menopause. Only had 1 speeding ticket in my life and nothing else.

We could have some fun at that good ole boys expense!
we need a change to our system. but in the mean time, i have done what I can. there has been no return of the said dogs yet.

If they come back, I am sorry to say I will also be "planting a new lilac bush next to the run'.
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We had one of those AC officers years ago that didn't want to do his job. I wasn't calling about a loose dog. I was calling about a loose steer. I called several times, and every time he came out, the steer was on the owner's property. He told me if the steer was on the owner's property, there was nothing he could do. I pointed out there was no fencing of any kind. He told me with a straight face that fencing wasn't required. After watching (and video taping) a bus nearly hit the steer, I called the DA and explained what was going on.

Suddenly the AC officer remembered how to do his job. The steer's owner got a $300 fine and put up a fence.

You really have to go over the head of the person not wanting to do their job. Everyone has a boss.
Sounds kinda like how it is in open range country. When someone hit a cow in the road they'd owe the rancher for damages. The law would call the brand inspector out and the rancher could collect. If cows got on your property and did damages, it was the property owners responsibility since they didn't fence them out. Open range meant fencing things out as much as fencing things in.
So sorry for you loss of Frack.

I totally know what you are going though as I am at war with my neighbors as we speak. It all started last June when they got my roo Rudy. Since then I have lost another 9 to them. I have called and called the dog officer they have been warned many times over. But you see the owner works for the town as the head of the finance committee. We are a small town so its all "friends" who are in the town hall. Their dogs have even been shot once by my neighbor but have not done anything to cull their behavior. So I called the dept of agriculture to see what they could do to help and to find out who my dog officer and town have to report to on the state level. So far no luck anywhere I have tried. I have a folder filled with Massachusetts General Laws that my neighbors, dog officer, and the town have all failed to comply to or broke flat out.

My last loss was at the end of December and everyone has been on lock down. My only option now is the 16g shotgun with deer slugs. I have the trail camera up pointing at my coop to show they are on my property. I have every right to kill them but I don't want to hurt the dogs. I want to hurt the owners but the town and state has failed in doing their part.

I hope you keep a loaded gun near you at all times and take out that SOB soon.
I understand your loss. I have been there too. I can't help but say though that this isn't the dogs fault. They are doing what is natural to them. The problem lies with the owners. They should care what there dogs are doing and getting into that they shouldn't. They obviously don't care about there dogs knowing what this could mean for them. I hate to see what happens to dogs because law enforcement and owners are inconsiderate and irresponsible to what is going on.
I do understand your frustration and loss though. I see where you just want it to stop and are scared for your other pets. I just see where it is a circle and no one seems to win.

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