What I hoped would never happen has..

Just wait

@the owner of the lost chicken: I have a similar story. One night, I was late coming home, and completely forgot about shutting the coop (I know, I blame it on myself). When I woke up, 6 of my 8 chickens were GONE (Including my favorite) There were feathers scattered around the yard. I was able to follow feathers down the road to my neighbor a few doors down, and they went all went all the way up the driveway. The lady that owns that house has 4 HUGE Rhodesian ridge-backs, and the 'fence' they are in is strictly decorative. In other words, the dogs can look over it while standing on all 4 legs. Its like 3-4 feet high.

The lady denies that her dogs got anything. She says it was a raccoon. But how could 1 raccoon get 6 chickens?! And the raccoon happens to live in her yard? (Oh, and the dogs stay out all day and night)

My only advice to you is try to keep your birds secured, and maybe set up a surveillance system. I know, it is very frustrating.
Honestly, if it were me, I would have the hole dug already and waiting. Cover it with a piece of plywood or something. Because those dogs' day is coming. If they were at least friendly dogs and neighbors, you could chalk it up to a one time sad event that would be remedied. This situation, with bad owners and mean dogs, something's got to change. It is YOUR property and you should be able to keep YOUR birds without fear of the neighbor's dogs. My blood is boiling.

(hug to you, the rest to neighbor/dogs/warden)
Sadly, this attitude by officials is why we need to be prepared to handle things on our own when the time comes to act. County employees won't do their jobs, dog owners think their dog is worth more than your pet even if that dog is invading your property and the laws are on your side, etc.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I have never lost a bird to a predator, not yet, but my number will come up one day, in spite of all my best efforts.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

A very distant neighbor's dog was caught in the act of killing my most beloved and precious (bottle raised) milk goat just before dawn one morning. The dog took off running for his own life at that point but led the SO a few miles across open cattle range right to the owner's front door, where the owner was beckoned and calmly informed of what happened and that he was there to dispatch the animal but that he'd be merciful enough not to do it in front of the owner if the owner wished. The owner, who was well aware of the livestock laws, took matters into his own hands, stepped inside for a moment, came back out and dispatched his own animal on the spot with the SO as witness. They shook hands and parted to bury their dead. Heck of a way to meet a neighbor, and something like that could probably only go down in cattle country or the likes.

It does seem like it's always our favorite. So sorry for the loss of your friend.
I know how you feel. A coon got in my coop and killed my Harriet.
I was on vacation. I killed it with the help of my dad and a shotgun. I never found Henry. My avatar is of the two lucky survivors.
I wanted to kill the coon, and I put 8 bullets into him.
Being a dog Lover I cant believe Im gonna say this, But, if you have to shoot the dog next time it comes back and you Know it will. To cover your butt, say it attacked you and you had no choice but to protect yourself. Even tho you prob have the right to shoot an animal on your property, you will take a lot of heat for doing so, but if the dog happened to be vicious and go after You, then Im sure they will view it differently.
I am not in your shoes to imagine the heartache you are going through - I just had my Gander " Boss" killed by either dogs or a fox and I am devastated - it happened a week ago yesterday and the pain is still dreadful - I can only say that I am so very sorry for your loss, I don't think in all honesty that you will ever come to terms with your loss but you learn to go forward for your other chickens - they also feel the pain, my heart goes out to you and I do understand that you want justice - I hope you get it - your circumstances are different to mine in so much as I didn't see the predator -

Thinking of you and your flock


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