What in the world is wrong with me?

I mentioned it to my obg when I saw her. I was concerned about uterine cancer(cancer runs in the neighborhood I grew up in. Knock on wood my family hasnt been hit by it. somehow)
They took blood etc and everything came back normal. I had also mentioned the chance of it being peri menopause since I am heading to that age when some women begin.. but that was a negative as well.
as far as she could tell it was a combination of PMS and a UTI. Yippee.
I get a similar feeling when I'm working on a kidney stone.
that is what I was getting ready to say. I had one last year and I thought I was going to die. I could not stay awake for nothing. I could go to sleep at the drop of a hat pin. I was sick to my stomach then I could not hold my pee at all. I would get up to go and before I could get there i already went then I started running a feaver and startered having pains got put in hospital and had to have emergancy surgery for a stone that had my kidney 100% blocked never had a pain like that before in my life.
Rhett&SarahsMom :

I mentioned it to my obg when I saw her. I was concerned about uterine cancer(cancer runs in the neighborhood I grew up in. Knock on wood my family hasnt been hit by it. somehow)
They took blood etc and everything came back normal. I had also mentioned the chance of it being peri menopause since I am heading to that age when some women begin.. but that was a negative as well.
as far as she could tell it was a combination of PMS and a UTI. Yippee.

Let me let you in on a little secret most docs won't tell you - perimenopause WILL NOT show up in blood tests, as it is only slight symptoms that appear. While they may seem extreme, apparently we need to wait for the real thing to know true misery.​
I can't believe I read this entire thread.

There should have been a warning on the topic.

DW was just going through what you all have been talking about. Headache, dizzyness...

She was just 3 days late. Usually its three days early.

With my luck DW will be going through menopause at the same time my only DD is going through puberty.

Perhaps I can build a loft above the coop.

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