What in the world is wrong with me?

I went the modern way with both my boys. I was induced (10 days late!) and had epidurals.

I know the kidney stone was worse. At least contraction pain comes in waves.

Poor guy was in constant pain.
I've been kidding around about this these kidney stones of mine all day but I would like to ask for some prayers tonight, if y'all don't mind. Please pray that my urine is much clearer tomorrow. I have a stent in my kidney and down into my bladder. The doctor said I would have some blood in my urine due to it but that it should be clear within 24 hours or so. So, it should have cleared up, blood wise, by now since I'm way past the 24 hour mark but it is still the same color it was yesterday... the color of cranberry sauce. I've been forcing as much water into me as I can stand and it's still just as dark as it was right after surgery yesterday. I'll be checking in with my urologist in the morning if it isn't looking better, but I would prefer not to have to. Thanks in advance!
HenMama, I don't want to in any way suggest that your pain wasn't very real - I have never had a kidney stone, but have heard stories ... - but I'd like to ask, in the spirit of accuracy, if your stone was really 10 x 5 cm? That translates to approx. 4 x 2 inches! Could it be that it was 10 x 5 mm? Still big enough to be d**n painful, considering the size of the tubes it would need to pass through. I sympathise with your pain, and hope you needn't experience it again. But now I am worried - someone mentioned tea drinking as a catalyst to stones, and I drink a lot of tea!
I had one the size of a golf ball and had to have litho surgery, my right kidney was 100% blocked I have never throwed up so much in my life other than when I was pregnant. I too had a stent after the surgery and my urine didn't clear up for a week. not until after the stent came out that the stone passed, my stent got clogged up with tiny blood clots and had to be removed early. the monday after my surgery I was in the ER in so much pain that my blood pressure shot up to 198 over 127 I could not set I could not stand or lay down, I broke out in a sweat and was throwing my guts up. Oh and I am a diabetic. I had 2 children natural birth without any kind of pain meds I felt every single pain and I am telling you child birth is nothing compared to a kidney stone. I have a permanet stent in my right kidney now because the stone just about ruptured my tube. and I still pass stones every now and then but thank God they have not been as bad as the first one. Also a man cannot tolerate pain as good as a woman can their bodies were not designed that way, no man could tolerate child birth and I guess a kidney stone is as close as they can get to feel what we do when we have a baby.( but a stone is a whole lot worse) Give me labor any day of the week over another stone, sad thig is once you have had one you are subject to more. my uroligist gave me sprite after my surgery. I lost 27 pounds in 1 week from fluid and now am starting to swell again so more than likely there is another stone brewing. I just passed one last week but it was nothing compared to the first one.
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Wow chickabator, you had it rough! I sure hope you aren't brewing up another one.

I was scheduled for a cysto/litho procedure but on my discharge sheet it says to "see cysto instructions" and it was written over top of the cysto/litho part. My DH, who was so sleep deprived that he can't remember half of what the dr said to him, said he *thinks* the dr said he didn't do the litho part of it, only the cysto and stent placement. That is definitely there, I have a string taped on my belly and I'm supposed to remove the stent myself on Friday by pulling with the string.
Still no sign of a stone.

I'm waiting on a nurse from the urologist's office to call me back. It's been 2.5 hours since I called about the color of my urine. This morning it was the color of strong tea (I saved it, it's in my frig.
) I guess since it was so concentrated.

I haven't eaten anything yet so I haven't had my pain meds and I'm having a little pain in my lower back. Not too bad, but it's definitely there. I guess I'll get something to eat and wait for a call. Glad to hear that your urine was discolored too, it eases my mind some. It's very freaky to pee what looks like dark grape juice for nearly 48 hours.
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Okay, today's the day... I have to pull my stent out, BY MYSELF!
I'm going to wait until DH gets home and pop a couple of happy pills before doing it.
it is just mainly pressure with the stent removal did the dr. office call you back yet? they had me on very strong pain pills and antibiotics after mine then the antibiotics gave a yeast infection. when I went to pee this morning I have blood in it again. so who knows I go back to dr. monday to have this thing on my eye checked out. I guess I will have to have urine test again also and blood glucose, cholesterol, the nine yards also have to have kidney function check monday. OH Boy wonderful day of joy!!!
Yes, the nurse called me back on Wednesday. She said some people just bleed more than others and not to worry about it unless it got much worse. I realized that the more I moved around, the more bleeding and clots I'd get, so it gave me a real good excuse for being no-good lazy... at least for a few days.
I'm on 5 days of antibiotics, Levaquin, and will take my last one this evening. I've been itchy down there, if you know what I mean, so I wonder if I'm getting a yeast infection now too. Oh joy if I am.

I'll let you know how the stent removal goes tonight. I'm still
about it though!

Hope your pee clears up soon. This getting older stuff is for the birds!

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