What is a fair price?

Elite Silkies

10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
I have (13) 2 month old Australorps that I need to get rid of, so what do you think a fair asking price would be?

They are from a non hatchery flock and my flock is very nice.
A feed store in my area charges 4.00 per chick the first week and after that they add 50 cents per week.
I guess at their prices it would be around 8 bucks each.
I agree with the above poster. I have calculated that it takes about a dollar a week to feed and house and run a light for chicks and provide bedding. So I'd say $8-10.
I listed them for $5 each and everyone that emails me acts like the price is too high. But, of course not much is selling right now either due to the economy.
I guess maybe it's just the breed.
Doesn't seem that anyone is interested in the Aussies. I haven't had any luck selling them. I offered 12 of them that are 2 months old for $50.00. Guess, like everything else, I'll end up having to give them away
That really depends on your area. I sell most of my point of lay pullets for $10, so for a 2 month old chick, no more than $6-8 probably, unless it's a rare breed or from great stock. I sell my heritage Delawares and BBS Orpingtons for $5 each as day olds, but my Barred Rocks go for $2-3 each for day-olds.
I live in a small town, so that is probably my problem. I listed them for under $5, I guess I'll lower them some more. I have someone that is wanting them, but they still have to build a coop, so no telling how long that will take.

Hmmmmmmmm........ Heritage Delawares. Is that the one in your avatar? He is gorgeous! Would look awesome in Lavender too
I love the Lavender Birds.

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