What is a good movie for pet chickens to watch on a windy/rainy day?

You guys are cracking me up!! Does a chicken really have enough sense to know she is even watching a movie?? I love my chickens, but they are as dumb as a sack of rocks!
Road runner cartoons. The good guy always wins in that one.
They have always slept inside in a crate and come in for inclemental weather. They just learned about good indoor manners. Also, take them to Petsmart from time to time. So, they know how to act in a car.
Oh, they watch television. When it seemed like they were falling asleep, I turned off the TV. The jumped up as if to say 'Who turned off the movie?"

Their eyesight and hearing is similiar to ours. Unlike dogs or cats, they can clearly see the image on the screen. They are also much more intelligent than dogs, cats and most domesticated animals. Many recent animal behavioral studies demonstrate that chickens have the same level of intelligence of lower order primates. They can grasp more concepts than most human infants and toddlers.
Oh, they watch television. When it seemed like they were falling asleep, I turned off the TV. The jumped up as if to say 'Who turned off the movie?"

Their eyesight and hearing is similiar to ours. Unlike dogs or cats, they can clearly see the image on the screen. They are also much more intelligent than dogs, cats and most domesticated animals. Many recent animal behavioral studies demonstrate that chickens have the same level of intelligence of lower order primates. They can grasp more concepts than most human infants and toddlers.

Get out!!! Really?? I'm going to have to do some chicken research. I have Silkies and while they are sweet as pie, they sometimes go on the wrong side of the run when following me in and can't figure out how to turn around and go thru the door.
HOUSE TRAINED? Does that mean potty trained? How do you do that? I have taught my cockatoos to "go potty" when I tell them to. Usually they go back to their cage to do it without being told....but not every time. Chickens may be smart, but not as intelligent as parrots and Cockatoos.....so how would one potty train a chicken? Silkies are my addiction of choice. I have 7 of them 8-10 weeks old.
Oh, they watch television. When it seemed like they were falling asleep, I turned off the TV. The jumped up as if to say 'Who turned off the movie?"

Their eyesight and hearing is similiar to ours. Unlike dogs or cats, they can clearly see the image on the screen. They are also much more intelligent than dogs, cats and most domesticated animals. Many recent animal behavioral studies demonstrate that chickens have the same level of intelligence of lower order primates. They can grasp more concepts than most human infants and toddlers.

Get out!!! Really?? I'm going to have to do some chicken research. I have Silkies and while they are sweet as pie, they sometimes go on the wrong side of the run when following me in and can't figure out how to turn around and go thru the door.

I think that they panic and tend to huddle together. That's nature. It probably works in the wild but not in a domestic setting. The chicken book I have on-hand mentions Ian Duncan Professor of Poultry Ethnology, University of Guelph; Chris Evans, Animal Behaviorist and Professor, Macquarie University, Australia; and Dr. Joy Mench, University of California-Davis Center for Animal Welfare.

Chickens are able to grasp the concept that something still exists after it has been removed or hidden. They can tell the difference between more and less. Also, they can learn by doing and seeing - this is a big distinction in degrees of animal intelligence. They have a complex language of at least 30 distinct vocalizations. Can recognize and remember 100 different faces and their position in the pecking order. The list goes on and on.

From what I have observed, they are more intelligent than my dog or cats. They even seem to be able to learn new vocalizations and each have their own distinct calls. Most of the 'manners' they have learned they picked up on their own. it only takes once for them to realize i have moved their house or that I let them in through the patio door. It takes my dog at least 10 times to understand similiar concepts. If you notice, they even start talking among themselves when a new situation arises or something new is introduced.

This is not surprising. Birds are extremely intelligent animals.

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