She’s so pretty! This gets me even more excited to watch my girl grow.
She really is beautiful and super friendly! Shes the first one to greet me every morning. I'm excited to see what she looks like as a hen, see if she gets darker or lighter but since she looks almost identical now as she did as a chick...well will see.
I believe I have a roo. They are about 6 weeks. I do not recall what if any differences there were when they were chicks. Let me know what you think.


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they have three pure lines of the leghorn, which is my favorite breed.
Not to get into favorites, but I am noticing that this breed is 'precocious' far beyond the norm. One week chicks already nearly flew out of my 2 ft. high cardboard brooder - had to add MORE screen.
On top of all, they are by far the most ALERT birds I have raised. Always watching you and have no problem going after the occasional ant treat.
I am raising Ameracaunas, Cuckoo Maran, Eggers and Speckled Sussex - these IMO are the tops. The SS handle the most easily - so for pets, they would be the best.
Not to get into favorites, but I am noticing that this breed is 'precocious' far beyond the norm. One week chicks already nearly flew out of my 2 ft. high cardboard brooder - had to add MORE screen.
On top of all, they are by far the most ALERT birds I have raised. Always watching you and have no problem going after the occasional ant treat.
I am raising Ameracaunas, Cuckoo Maran, Eggers and Speckled Sussex - these IMO are the tops. The SS handle the most easily - so for pets, they would be the best.
Agreed...though in my limited experience, they are really good pets too! We moved them into the tractor the day before Easter if I remember right. They were in their 7th week? Would have to check calendar. In any case, since then, they haven't been handled as much as they were in the brooder. Practically aren't handled at all. And yet...when I walk up to the tractor, there they all are clambering over each other to get to the front. And if I pick one up, they're not all bat crazy as though I'm some freak, featherless hawk that just nabbed it haha They just let me hold and cuddle them. Granted, there are 11 of them so the sad reality is that probably only half have been held in these past weeks but inquisitive and easy to handle. I can only imagine how they might be if I was still handling each one every day <3
10 weeks old on Monday...boys are finally displaying barring but sun blows out highlights in photos. Sweetest birds...I let them out and thought I'd clean out hutch of tractor but they kept following me and getting under my feet, tripping me haha When I layed in the grass, they stuck near me. ...wandering off...only to return and sit on my leg or chest, etc. Love, love, love! Combs are starting to turn is area around eyes. Hoping for eggs by June!
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We have 10 pullets and a roo ordered from Hoovers with a May 5 hatch date. I'll post pics from our arrivals when we get them and we can compare chicks. We ordered the roo to see what you get when you cross them with their own kind. Should be interesting, please let me know if anyone on here has done this and what you ended up with.

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