What is everyone fixing for Christmas

I think I am fixing to go to one of y'all's houses! Sounds good!

We will have some sort of flesh of dead animal and vegetables of various types...the only real difference is we use the good plates!
I'm not very good at deserts but the two that I do make for holidays are cheap and always requested by the kids:

Bananas & Yogurt
stir 1/2 the honey from a honey bear and 1/2 to 3/4 of a large container of PLAIN (not vanilla) yogurt in a big bowl, then
slice 6 or more bananas into the bowl and mix gently, refrigerate - easy day ahead maker. It is amazing how good this tastes.

Green stuff

I am sure there is some midwest church social name for this - but I don't know it! I can tell you the kids LOVE it. Make a day in advance.

1 large box of instant pistachio pudding (or 2 small)
1 container of cool whip
then stir in 1 can of crushed pineapple
then mix in about 3/4 of a bag of mini marshmellows

this makes a huge bowl and is an easy recipe for kids to "help" with; it is usually designated to the current 5 year old in our ouse.
A traditional holiday veggi for us besides greenbean cas is creamed corn. I make my own using canned corn it is easy. I use 4 cans, two are drained and go in blender or food processor and are ground down to luiqid. I put that in an open glass cooking bowl and add the other 2 cans after water is drained, they are whole not luquidfidy. To this I add sugar & salt to taste a bit of butter and a little milk or heavy cream. Stir and put in oven for a half hour at 350 uncovered. It is so easy and good not like store bought canned creamed corn that is already made.
I just recently added a new squash side dish to our holiday table, it was a huge hit and is going to be around our house for a long time. I got the recipe here from faykokoWV - she doubles the bacon and cheese and so did I.
I made it hte first time with the suggested acorn squash and then again at Thanksgiving with a huge hubbard squash both were excelent.

heres the link

I'll be in the hospital on Christmas day so we're having our Christmas this weekend. Brother is coming and some of the kids' friends so we're cooking two hams (so the family will have some leftover while I'm gone hospital and then recovering) and the usual fixings, mashed and gravy, green beans with bacon and onion, some creamed onions for me and Annie, lots of pies and cookies.....
Down here we call it watergate my Sil makes it all the time DH is wanting a blueberry cheesecake my crew loves cheese cake and also wanting a banana pudding.
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Tradition! God help us:) Everyone gathers at our house (grandma/pa) on Christmas Eve and they all come again on Christmas morning after home Christmases. In past years, I wore myself to a frazzle with annual Crab Leg Feast (newspapers covering all tabletops)with Yule Log dessert cake on Christmas Eve, and For Christmas Day, Prime Rib Roast with trimmings and Coconut Cake/ Pumpkin Pies for dessert. Since none of our grownup kids are inclined to move the festivities to their places (and why would they!!), this year I'm simplifying: Eve--a big pan of Lasagna with whatever desserts THEY provide; Christmas Day--a big pot of Seafood Gumbo with their assorted left over desserts plus my holiday cookies brought out of hiding. Instead of Christmas morning breakfast casserole, I'll set out some bakery sweets with juice and coffee. Hmmm. I'm feeling much happier about the whole idea of Christmas with my reduced plans! Merry Christmas to me!! ~G
I like the idea of a breakfast casserole. We are going to my moms and staying the night so she is cooking. She has ham and the usual stuff. Im thinking of taking something, either a cheese and fruit tray or peel and eat shrimp to snack on. My mom always makes caramel apple pie, yumm. THe one thing I noticed with the economy, the local grocery stores used to give you free ham if you had collected enough points, not this year.
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The breakfast casseroles work really well because you make them the day before...they must sit in the frig overnight and you bake them the next morning. Just pop them in the oven to bake while you open your gifts and by the time you have the living room cleaned up breakfast is just coming out of the oven.

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