What is everyone fixing for Christmas

My MIL taught me to make a baked spaghetti dish. She had 9 kids to feed and she was a whizzbang cook. I love her a lot.

1 lb box of spaghetti
1 can of crushed tomatoes
1 peeled and diced onion
1/2 lb fried crisp bacon
1/4 C apple cider vinegar
1/8 to 1/4 C sugar
Salt to taste

Boil spaghetti until al dente. strain and pour spaghetti into large baking pan. Fry bacon on low as not to scorch, remove from skillet and set aside. In skillet, with bacon grease, saute onions then add crushed tomatoes, vinegar and sugar. Bring to boil. If you boiled the pasta with salt, there is no reason to add salt as the bacon also may be salty.
Simmer this concoction for several minutes in the skillet, crumble crisped bacon over the spaghetti then pour your tomatoe mixture over the whole pan of spaghetti.

Cover with foil, shinny side down. And bake at 350*F for approximately 45 min to an hour. Right before taking from the oven, uncover dish and bake last 10 to 15 min to crisp the top of concoction.
Allow it to set for 10 min before cutting and serving.
It's even better as a leftover. The flavors mingle and fuse together into a delicious treat!

My kids loved it and we are planning to have with our ham at Christmas when we all get together again.
Merry Christmas!
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Sorry you will be in the hospital. Hopefully there will be nice staff to take care of youc:)
Happy healing!
Rachael c mother of all
We haven't made up our minds yet, we usually have a homegrown goose but somebody made us a deal we couldn't refuse on all the geese we were growing out last spring and I don't like the idea of store bought poultry sooooooooo. Thanks to whoever mentioned prime rib before I think that is what we will have if I can get a bank loan. lol

Steve in NC
oh my gosh some of those sound so darn delicious
, i might just invite myself over to each and everyone of you guys places for chrissy! lol

Usually when we have a big family christmas (by big i mean 9-10 people, becoz thats as big as my family gets) we cook up a storm making all sorts of goodies such as:
Baked Chicken
Baked veggies, potatoe , pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato, onions.
Beans, peas, asparagus, & corn cobs
Potatoe salad, coleslaw, green salads, maccoroni salad, & rice salad
Warm chicken, avocado & mango salad
Develed eggs
Pickeled onions
Garlic bread
Fresh Prawns/Crab/Chicken skewers
Quiches(zuchini & almond or spinach)

Rum balls,
choc chip cheesecake,
chocolate crackles,
chocolate pudding,
fruit cake,
fresh fruit with custard and ice cream...

OMG i wish it was christmas already
Its just us....

so we are having:

a HoneyBaked Ham
mashed potatoes with pork gravy <hubby asked for it>
fresh veggies

and thats about it lol I think he is all dinnered out from thanksgiving
Next year we might have a Muscovy duck, though I like ducks so I might not have the heart to off it and just tie a bow on it:)
ooohhh, getting ready to face the day, we are hosting a big family Christmas party here today. So we are having our traditional clam chowder/ oyster crackers, also smoked pheasant and deli bread, relish tray, chips and dip, jarlsberg cheese dip and crackers, a big plate of Christmas cookies, and of course eggnog, Tom and Jerrys, etc, everyone is bringing something too. We always have Christmas breakfast, too, I love the egg casserole, but my family prefers fried cornmeal mush and bacon, mixed fresh fruit cocktail, and pastry, so that's what we will probably have. Will be exhausted Christmas night after all that cooking, and everything else, so planning on just buffalo chicken sandwiches, baked potatoes or french fries, and a vegetable of some kind.
Spaghetti and meatballs and french bread and brussel sprouts if over the road hubbie makes it home. Just can't plan big meals now. I made Thanksgiving turkey the weekend after and he still didn't make it home til the next Wed.

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