What is happpening to my chickens?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 9, 2011
So i moved recently to it NC and am now i living on a bigger property so now my chickens can go all over, but about 2 weeks ago 3 of my chickens went missing but the next day one appeared then went missing again then another one appeard but this time she was lying down and her face was turning purple she was bleeding i thought and when i lifted up her feathers there were maggots all over over long story short we had to put her out of her misery, the other 2 haven't been seen for a week and today i after locking up my chickens it was getting dark and we heard a chicken making noise we found her she was holding her neck funny but no signs of maggots i don't know whats going on the others that went missing made weird noises too and also looked smaller i just don't understand and now i am down to 9 chickens and soon it might be 8, any help would be appreciated.thnx.
I think that now your chickens can roam further and get themselves into trouble. They look like Dinner to every animal out there. I think you really need to only let them out if you are there, and they need a pen for when you are not there. Chickens are not real smart and they rely on their owner for their safety.

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