What is NPIP and what is the benefit from becoming NPIP certified?


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Central PA
Hi all! I may have posted this in the wrong area, so feel free to move this post if you need.

I get the idea of the National Poultry Improvement Plan, but I have some questions.
I'm wondering how many of you are NPIP certified?
Why did you become certified/what are the benefits?
How do you apply for certification and what must you do to maintain it?
I just have a small (20ish) flock of backyard laying hens, but I am considering breeding my Russian Orloffs to sell. Is this something that I should be considering?

Thanks so much!
Anybody out there?
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I dont have a clue either but was just getting ready to some research on it myself . I think maybe you should repost the question in another section to get answers like managing your flock section. I know they only test for a few things unless you ask for other specific testing.
It's late at night and I personally don't go in this section too much

Of this forum, not many are certified. Mostly breeders.

The benefits are being able to legally ship chicks, adult birds across state, sell to other certified members, and know that those certified have flocks tested negative for several diseases.

Application can be done by contacting your state Ag department I believe.

As for if you should certify, that's up to you. I'm not, and it isn't hindering me much but I really wish I was, it will stretch my abilities. I'm not though because in my state, which is rare in most states, it is VERY expensive. Most agricultural rich states are cheap or free. Mine isn't so rich in the Ag dept.
It was created to protect the food supply many years ago, not to certify backyard flocks as healthy, which it does not do, only testing for two main diseases (mostly eradicated today), sometimes one more disease, others if you pay extra, depending on the state. If you ship hatching eggs, chicks and live adults across state lines, it is required by the states you are shipping into, if I'm not mistaken, in almost every state. Does everyone follow the law? No.
I'll add a bit more to what has been written.

If you are simply keeping a backyard flock then there is NO need to be NPIP.

If you are planning to Ship, Show or Sale birds then YES you need to be NPIP.

NPIP is for the testing of Pullorum/Typhoid. The program also administers the testing of AI, MG, MS and Salmonella.
It is conducted under the authority of your State Vets office in conjuction with the Land Grant College of your State.
You need to have your birds tested each year and follow guidelines for any new birds you add. In my state you contact the state vet and set up to be tested and certified. Certification allows you to legally sell birds and hatching eggs and is also needed (I believe) to show birds at shows? I have been trying to start a small hatchery and need NPIP certification to make this happen.

I have been working on certification for a couple of years! I live in a small, rural area and the local vet does not handle birds. The closest person who does testing is more than 100 miles away. This has been an uphill battle and the state vet finally agreed to drive 400 miles and train me to test birds, but I cannot test my own birds soooo...not really an answer to my problem and I am still not certified
However, I have been able to talk the local vet into being trained at the same time which may provide the solution to my problem
Now I just have to put it all together after the weather gets better

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