What is one thing you want to do before you die?

What is one thing, that you really want to do, or see, or try, during your lifetime? Life is so short, I feel like there could be some really interesting ideas here.
It could be meeting a person, travelling to a country, learning a talent etc etc.

For me, I would LOVE to go get on a boat and see killer whales in the wild! It's seriously my dream and I don't fully even understand why. I definitely want to see them sometime. Orcas are just, awesome.

What about you?
Ooh interesting question.
I saw a couple Whales the other day off the coast of Adelaide at a surf beach. Interesting creatures. These were Southern right whales.
Hmm, One thing I would like to do...

Get married to a man who's going to truly love me (and hopefully at least tolerates chickens)
^^ This is the top one.

The other things on my bucket list are:
Hot air ballooning
Going on a Cruise
Going to Germany
Bungee jumping
Swimming in bioluminescent waters
Riding a moose
Hang gliding
Going to Alaska
Be on a billboard
Be in a movie
Have the lead role in a musical.
When do you have time to work? I trained horses years ago and never had 20 at the same time.
Big farm, many people
My uncles use the horses for shows, younger cousins love going out on rides, some are used in riding schools

(Not all horses belong on to me, but more than half do, I'm mostly talking about the ones on the farm!)
Hmm, One thing I would like to do...

Get married to a man who's going to truly love me (and hopefully at least tolerates chickens)
^^ This is the top one.

The other things on my bucket list are:
Hot air ballooning
Going on a Cruise
Going to Germany
Bungee jumping
Swimming in bioluminescent waters
Riding a moose
Hang gliding
Going to Alaska
Be on a billboard
Be in a movie
Have the lead role in a musical.
all awesome goals!!
To be in a movie, Id love that too! But maybe just as an extra, I think I'd be too nervous to speak my lines 🤣
all awesome goals!!
To be in a movie, Id love that too! But maybe just as an extra, I think I'd be too nervous to speak my lines 🤣
I don't have stage fright, but I also have a hard time delivering my lines, It's like I suddenly forget them on stage sometimes. And I do that often. But I'm working on it with musicals and theatre classes.

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