What is one thing you want to do before you die?

I would just love to see world peace. Any ideas how we can make that happen.

A few of my ideas:

1. Reinstitute rigorous civics education (at least in the US).
2. Review/evaluate policy and regulatory supports in government that promote what President Eisenhower called the "Military-Industrial Complex."
3. War is a form of Spiritual Warfare. Practically speaking - losing your loved ones, having your livelihood destroyed, cultural relics stolen or defaced, home taken, etc - can rob people of hope. At which point, some of the oppressed will become spiritual zombies. Sincere prayer of 2 or more people has a role in fighting back. Which prayer? There are many. I can speak to the Catholic Prayers: Intercession from St. Michael; Memorare; each of the prayers in the Holy Rosary. Some undertake a 9Day prayer "novena" with their friends for a specific intention. You don't need to be Catholic or have memorized prayers to make a difference. But there need to be at least two people praying for the same intention.
4. Do what you can... where you are.. to change the world for the better. Some Spiritual Weapons include: charitable works; fasting; taking Sacraments; more: https://thestationofthecross.com/spiritual-warfare/
In the Ukraine-Russian War, there have been examples like Polish women leaving strollers at border train stations for the fleeing Ukrainians. The Israeli doctors going to serve in Ukraine. Many ransomware and malicious computer attacks come from two countries, one of which is Russia. The resources stolen through these attacks fund wars. Even if you are a desk jockey in suburban America, you can fight by being vigilant with your computer/email/internet security. More examples: https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-...ary, financial, and,, China, Taiwan and India.
I'll be 70 in April. I've been blessed to have done a lot, seen a lot, had an adventurous life. Now I enjoy a quiet, peaceful life with just me, my DH, chickens, dogs snd cats. But there is one thing, ONE thing, that if my health holds out, I would be willing to go in a jet for s good many hours to go see and experience. I once dreamed of going to yhe Galapagos Islands. But this would be better than that.

I'd love to visit the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, Austria, to watch the Lippizaners in training. To see the famous "Airs above the ground." The capriole, the courbette, the mezair, the croupade and the levade. Oh. My. Yes.
I'll be 70 in April. I've been blessed to have done a lot, seen a lot, had an adventurous life. Now I enjoy a quiet, peaceful life with just me, my DH, chickens, dogs snd cats. But there is one thing, ONE thing, that if my health holds out, I would be willing to go in a jet for s good many hours to go see and experience. I once dreamed of going to yhe Galapagos Islands. But this would be better than that.

I'd love to visit the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, Austria, to watch the Lippizaners in training. To see the famous "Airs above the ground." The capriole, the courbette, the mezair, the croupade and the levade. Oh. My. Yes.

I hope you do get to see them :) In the past, they toured the US.
I hope you do get to see them :) In the past, they toured the US.
Thanks. I did see them once, long ago. I mean, it was an exhibition. What I really want to do - and I don't know if this is permitted - is to hang out at the school for a month or so, and see the inner workings. Watch the actual training. Get to know a few of the horses, and the riders. Ask questions. TOUCH the animals, hug them, smell them. Clean stalls. Groom them, perhaps, or carry water buckets. Even just sit on a stool in a corner and watch. That would be my dream.
Thanks. I did see them once, long ago. I mean, it was an exhibition. What I really want to do - and I don't know if this is permitted - is to hang out at the school for a month or so, and see the inner workings. Watch the actual training. Get to know a few of the horses, and the riders. Ask questions. TOUCH the animals, hug them, smell them. Clean stalls. Groom them, perhaps, or carry water buckets. Even just sit on a stool in a corner and watch. That would be my dream.

Do it. Take command of the things God puts on your heart.

Years ago I traveled to Ireland with family. We were having lunch and struck up conversation with locals. When they learned all of us rode horses and Eddie Macken was my sports hero, they encouraged us to drop by his farm unannounced. We thought "We couldn't possibly intrude!" They assured us we should at least try to see his famous horse's grave (Boomerang). So we did. Eddie wasn't home but his wife and son were. They gave us a tour of the farm, including Boomerang's grave. It was just as lovely and beautiful as in the documentary "Ballad of the Irish Horse." They let me ride one of their horses in training and invited me to come back to train with them the following summer. Although my parents didn't want me living overseas for a summer with a family who had a teenage boy (weren't they wise?!), I still sometimes drink in that memory of the Macken family inviting me to ride with them.

No one can fill your bucket for you. Find your joy. I affirm you.
Do it. Take command of the things God puts on your heart.

Years ago I traveled to Ireland with family. We were having lunch and struck up conversation with locals. When they learned all of us rode horses and Eddie Macken was my sports hero, they encouraged us to drop by his farm unannounced. We thought "We couldn't possibly intrude!" They assured us we should at least try to see his famous horse's grave (Boomerang). So we did. Eddie wasn't home but his wife and son were. They gave us a tour of the farm, including Boomerang's grave. It was just as lovely and beautiful as in the documentary "Ballad of the Irish Horse." They let me ride one of their horses in training and invited me to come back to train with them the following summer. Although my parents didn't want me living overseas for a summer with a family who had a teenage boy (weren't they wise?!), I still sometimes drink in that memory of the Macken family inviting me to ride with them.

No one can fill your bucket for you. Find your joy. I affirm you.
Thanks. Perhaps one day I will.

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