What is she?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 19, 2012
I have a little pullet..i thought she a leghorn but she has since developed light buff markings similar to a silver laced wyandotte. She is all white base, with some black under across her back, then her wings and breasts have these light buff tips. ?

Not sure how to upload pics yet...not sure if the buff tips
will show they are so light.
Pictures would really be helpful.
There is a FAQ section in the forum and tells you how to upload pictures.
Okay thanks. Ill go check it out.like I said her markings are so light I'm not sure they will show in a photograph:)
I think I've figured it out on my own. I found some picts of EEs on here that look like her. Probably had some Arucana in her at some point....some of those pictures look like her as well. Our Daisy's a bit of an "ugly duckling" right now, but it looks like she'll turn out to be a looker once her grown up feathers are all in. Thanks!

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