what is the best hen

Hey My name is Ashley the 2 breeds i would strongly Recommend to you for egg production would be White Leghorn and Rhode Island reds
Red Stars are classified as the best egg chicken. They lay all year around and lay they do! I have Rhode Island Reds and I highl;y do not recommend them because they do not stay on schedule with their laying, In other words some days (in the summer for 6 hens) they will lay 6 eggs a day other times no eggs in a day.
The best chicken for egg production is a hybrid that goes by several different names, but is essentially the same thing - ISA brown, Warren, Red Star, Production Red etc. There are also darker coloured chickens, also hybrids, that go by the names of Bovans Nera, Black Star or Production Black. All lay brown eggs.

If you want pure breeds, then your best bet is to go for either a Leghorn (lots of white eggs, but really flighty) or a Rhode Island Red (lots of brown eggs, a bit calmer).
Our leghorn lays every day. She only took a few weeks off in the winter and then back to work. She and her sister, who passed, would have competitions to see who could lay the most double yolk eggs. It was fun to go out and see them compete.

Still, she is our best layer...next is our aracauna who lays 5-6 days a week.

Our hens are all 2 years old.
I agree with the posts above I prefer our brown and white leghorns for white eggs, for brown the RIR's and barred rocks, and black sex-links are very high egg production chickens for us. My preference for eggs are white with a very orange yolk so my leghorns are my favorites.

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