What is the name for this silkie's coloring?


Keeper of tiny dinos
Apr 17, 2019
This silkie isn't white, but not really blue either. She has bits of tan mixed in to. She is one of our recently hatched chicks.
Maybe splash with some leakage. Not quite sure. Could also be silver Partridge. What color were the parents?
Can you get a photo of her freestanding, it’s easier to see them this way.😊
We had two silkie flocks. The first possibility is our roo goldy, who was Buff, and had two white and two black hens. The next possibility Is king, who was black with gold leakage. Had two white, three black, and one partridge for hens.
We had two silkie flocks. The first possibility is our roo goldy, who was Buff, and had two white and two black hens. The next possibility Is king, who was black with gold leakage. Had two white, three black, and one partridge for hens.
Maybe splash with some leakage. Not quite sure. Could also be silver Partridge. What color were the parents?
Can you get a photo of her freestanding, it’s easier to see them this way.😊
She's to afraid to really get a good free standing pic of her.
Maybe. We were hoping she would be blue.
Only way she could be blue is if your white hens in your second flock are "hiding" blue. Recessive white birds can be covering up almost any color. Most often whites are "hiding" partridge. This is why you can sometimes see partridge colored birds pop up randomly. The darker colors on this chick's head and wings indicate partridge more likely. Possible some columbian pattern as well. The coloring will likely change quite a bit as it matures. Keep us posted. It is a beautiful chick. 😊
Only way she could be blue is if your white hens in your second flock are "hiding" blue. Recessive white birds can be covering up almost any color. Most often whites are "hiding" partridge. This is why you can sometimes see partridge colored birds pop up randomly. The darker colors on this chick's head and wings indicate partridge more likely. Possible some columbian pattern as well. The coloring will likely change quite a bit as it matures. Keep us posted. It is a beautiful chick. 😊
That's great to since we lost our original partridge this winter. Actually most our original silkies...

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