What is the silliest thing your kid has suggested?

Could I say a silly thing on myself with my son, a teenager at the time? He had a habit of making a sandwich, eating half, wrapping the other half in a paper towel, which then dried out in the fridge and I had to throw out.

One day I saw him start to do that and I glared at him and said, "Is that a sandwich--No, it's not! (going in the fridge in a paper towel) So now, any time I'm around and he sees a sandwich, he repeats that and cracks up laughing. He also has a few other gems on me. His other favorite trick was to walk by casually and untie my apron. (I still wear an apron.) Sweet memories!
Well, its not my kids - its my little siblings

My 5 year old little brother saw a pregnant lady on TV the other day, and got all excited and said "Fesha! Fesha! Look, look!" I replied to him, "What is it Glenn?" He looks at me all excited and points to the pregnant lady on TV and says "Look, she is collecting babies."
< thats what I looked like after he said that. It was so cute.

My little siblings have seen the rooster mount the hens, and the cows next door doing it also. Plus when we had two big dogs, they would do that to eachother. And my sister's chihuahua had a small walrus that was his "girlfriend" the poor walrus was constantly getting it from him
. They would asked questions so we just said it was the boys happy dance
they believe it. So now when they see them, they all say "Fesha, he must be really happy cause he is doing the happy dance all the time"

I remember asking my mom when I was around 8, about how people have babies. She just replied that you get married and then you pray about it and God gives you a special gift - a baby. I believed it and never asked again.
"I want to be a horse instead of a chicken"

That's awesome & made me laugh out loud.

Honestly, I don't see the problem with explaining the anotomical difference between males & females. I used to teach kindergarten Sunday school. One day the kids were drawing themselves and one little boy made himself anatomically correct. The other kids laughing & giggled. I simply said, "What's the big deal? Tommy has a penis just like any other boy in this room." By taking the shame and embarassment out of it, it deflated the situation and made it a matter of fact: every boy does have a penis (physical abnormalities aside here).

Human & animal reproduction isn't something to be ashamed about: it's simply how every species perpetuates. Children don't need the specifics but when they start asking about why bulls have 2 tails and cows don't, it's time for some simple facts (if not all of the details).

My boss' 2yo little boy recently informed her that while monkeys "go ee ee oo oo ah ah", gorillas don't make any noise. Then he thought about it for a second and said, "Oh wait, yes they do! They go, 'hi! I'm a gorilla.'"

Outta the mouths of babes.
I think it varies with each kid. My youngest is three and already has a pretty good grasp of it (enough to use it frequently). I think he learned from observing his older brothers' interactions.

Last week this was our conversation:

Me: "Go inside and put your shoes on, right now, Daddy is building something and there are splinters and nails on the ground"

3 y/o son: "In a minute"

Me: "Right now!"

3 y/o son: [on hands & knees crawling out of coop-in-progress] Shouts out "OWWWWW! MY KNEEE!" in pain. "a NAIIILLLLl.... MY KNEEEEEE! owwwwww!"

Me: "What happened?" [running over because he sounded really hurt]

3 y/o: "haha! tricked you! now I'm going to get my boots"
Wow! Those are all some funny stories! About 4 years ago when my son was 7 he saw our mare with her “boyfriend”. His first comment was “Mom, look! They should be in a circus!”

Then he later saw the same boyfriend with another mare and became upset because he was Missy’s boyfriend not Princess’s. Of course I had to do some high level explanation for him.

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