What is the term for this comb trait, and how does it happen?


Oct 23, 2020
I hope I am posting this in the right category, but I could not find another one more appropriate. I have one cockerel with a comb that I don't think it should have and I haven't found a way to describe it to google to figure out what is going on. It is a straight comb but with no defining points. I noticed that it was different as soon as he began to show it at a young age. I have seen Cemani roosters with this comb, but I am almost certain it is not a Cemani cross. It may have Chantecler 2 generations back if that is even relevant. I am just fishing for relevance since I thought the smooth gene would cause less points. I have not seen it cause this, but maybe it can. Ignore the spots on his comb (he thinks he is tough and picks the wrong one to mess with from time to time). The struggle is real, please help..


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How old is he? Perhaps he has gone through a winter and got frostbite? To me, it looks like a single.
How old is he? Perhaps he has gone through a winter and got frostbite? To me, it looks like a single.
Its definitely a single comb, and this will be his first winter. I have tried to figure it out myself with no success. I was curious if their was some proper nomenclature I could use to help me figure it out. It seemed to me like the trait just showed up randomly, and I can't let it go.
What's his lineage? There is some chicken breeds that look like they have single combs, but with no fingers. I'm pretty certain that is not in the lineage anywhere, but I guess you never know.
Its definitely a single comb, and this will be his first winter. I have tried to figure it out myself with no success. I was curious if their was some proper nomenclature I could use to help me figure it out. It seemed to me like the trait just showed up randomly, and I can't let it go.
Yeah, it's definitely single. It may very well be the smooth gene causing the unusual shape. @nicalandia
What's his lineage? There is some chicken breeds that look like they have single combs, but with no fingers. I'm pretty certain that is not in the lineage anywhere, but I guess you never know.
Well I'm not too sure with this one really, but here goes. Partridge Chantecler over Mug/Yellow Leg Hatch. Then this over either another Mug/Yellow Leg Hatch or a Partridge Chantecler/Claret. I'm not sure which hen because they were both laying in the same box. The rooster from the first cross has a rose comb with a lot of bumps, so I don't think it had the smooth gene. Keep in mind that I also don't know how the smooth gene works when not being inherited from both sides. The Partridge Chantecler/Claret hen had an insanely small comb that if I remember correctly was a rose comb with no point.
Not yet. I might try next year.
I can't find pictures of them anymore, & that's the term I saw being used for the comb type. It was a year ago when I was researching comb genetics.
I wish that I could find a site with a lot of research papers on poultry for things like this. Some of the best info on traits that I have found are japanese or translated from japanese. Its seems like the focus on phenotypic traits is much stronger there.

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