What is this chicken thinking?


Taken moments after he climbed onto my shoulder as I lay on the grass and pecked the trackball mouse off my laptop xD Then I turned the webcam on - He was very intrigued by this strange roo in the small magic box the giant featherless rooster was so busy playing with!

So what's Orpy thinking?

Taken moments after he climbed onto my shoulder as I lay on the grass and pecked the trackball mouse off my laptop xD Then I turned the webcam on - He was very intrigued by this strange roo in the small magic box the giant featherless rooster was so busy playing with!

So what's Orpy thinking?

I beg your pardon? But this is the business end of a chicken. The other end you speak of, is the complaint department.

Taken moments after he climbed onto my shoulder as I lay on the grass and pecked the trackball mouse off my laptop xD Then I turned the webcam on - He was very intrigued by this strange roo in the small magic box the giant featherless rooster was so busy playing with!

So what's Orpy thinking?

"Hey you.yeah you.do you have any meal worms?"*says in a whisper*

Taken moments after he climbed onto my shoulder as I lay on the grass and pecked the trackball mouse off my laptop xD Then I turned the webcam on - He was very intrigued by this strange roo in the small magic box the giant featherless rooster was so busy playing with!

So what's Orpy thinking?
Look at my manly wattles!

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