What is this Duck thinking

Bad hair day? No such thing!!
Usually he is immaculately groomed but has a pound of down in his nares. Well at least his nares are clean
Today we gave the ducks a pool to play in for about half an hour. It was only 8F out, but the sun was out and they had plenty of dry straw to sit on. Tevye chose this time for a photo op... (to fully appreciate, make sure you blow it up to its original resolution
) So to get semi back on topic, I will give the picture a caption, but feel free to add your own!

Rhiannon: "Tevye, hun, you really should take a little more pride in your appearance when we go out."
Hahahaha. Such a cute cute cute boy. He a Billy Idol punk rocker.
Today we gave the ducks a pool to play in for about half an hour. It was only 8F out, but the sun was out and they had plenty of dry straw to sit on. Tevye chose this time for a photo op... (to fully appreciate, make sure you blow it up to its original resolution :lau ) So to get semi back on topic, I will give the picture a caption, but feel free to add your own! Rhiannon: "Tevye, hun, you really should take a little more pride in your appearance when we go out."
Awwwww, do they let you kiss them?

What is this duck thinking?
You didn't want to cooperate with the other feathers... You wanted to stand out all by yourself... Well, you got my attention and I set you free - there you go, let's see how well you do all by yourself... All MY feathers are team players!

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