What is this Duck thinking

Perhaps we can caravan south from here!

I'll need to test out my plan to be able to load the flock into the Forester.
Your flock is big enough... If you come up with a mobile duck accommodation, I want to see it!!!! (Raising ducks on the road.... That would be AWESOME!)
I have wondered about using a Transit Connect - spacious, flat behind the front seats, with room to have custom cabinets for food and supplies, a few jerry cans of water, and ability to stow fencing and u-posts for a leg-stretching pen area.
OK, I added:
@Kroelies ,
@sumi ,

Based on your destinations, the chunnel (so far) would be a lot of extra work (drive all the way down to France then either fly out of London to see Sumi or take some form of water travel - depending on if your are taking a vehicle or not). So to save the effort and expense of getting an international driver's license I have set you up so far with flights. If you make more stops in mainland Europe and/or England, that may change. In case you haven't driven in the UK, Japan or Australia, driving on the left side of the road is not so hard to get used to, but driving on the right side of the car is. I spent 3 months driving in England and it took me hours to get used to the left side of the road, but about a week to get used to the right side of the car. I also completely rerouted your eastern US portion of the trip to give you another coastal drive and keep it fairly efficient while still ending up at Miss Lydia's.

So now you have...

Amykins - Put up Pygmy Muscovies for babysitting???
================ Flight Seattle, WA to Tel Aviv Israel*
================ Flight Tel Aviv Israel to Haarlemmermeer, North Holland*
================ Flight Haarlemmermeer, North Holland to Dublin, Leinster*
================ Flight Dublin, Leinster to Seattle, WA
Amykins - Pick up Beanie Baby eggs, reunite with Pygmy Muscovies.
Scovy Momma - Drop off some eggs
Kukupecpec - Drop off some eggs
Tevyes Dad
Debs Flock
RavynFallen - Drop off some eggs, pick up Io.
Miss Lydia - Move in - Enjoy Chickens, Geese, Muscovies, Io, runners and of course Pygmy Muscovies.

* I am just picking large international airports to try to minimize connecting flights - these may not be the closest airports.
Tony!! Wow!! Seriously. I am getting chills just reading this. I am amazed and it's so perfect. All of it. I appreciate your efficiency with the itinerary. I could have never been able to figure this out myself. Never. I'd probably end up zig zagging all over the place like an idiot.

Luckily I do have some experience driving on the "other" side of the road. I spent 2 weeks in Cape Town, SA on a rock climbing trip with a girlfriend and she refused to drive so I had to. I was so proud of myself. I got used to it. I am in awe you spent 3 months in England.

Beanie Baby eggs. Io. AAAWWWEEEE!! Miss Lydia's geese. And all the precious birbs I get to scoop and kiss on the way. And all the great BYC friends.
Your flock is big enough... If you come up with a mobile duck accommodation, I want to see it!!!! (Raising ducks on the road.... That would be AWESOME!)
Well, @DiamondSwan may have unknowingly contributed to an upcoming trend here taking Igor on a pretty long road trip.
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Tony!! Wow!! Seriously. I am getting chills just reading this. I am amazed and it's so perfect. All of it. I appreciate your efficiency with the itinerary. I could have never been able to figure this out myself. Never. I'd probably end up zig zagging all over the place like an idiot.

Luckily I do have some experience driving on the "other" side of the road. I spent 2 weeks in Cape Town, SA on a rock climbing trip with a girlfriend and she refused to drive so I had to. I was so proud of myself. I got used to it. I am in awe you spent 3 months in England.

Beanie Baby eggs. Io. AAAWWWEEEE!! Miss Lydia's geese. And all the precious birbs I get to scoop and kiss on the way. And all the great BYC friends.
Oh what fun! I have never been anywhere but North America and Europe (and Hawaiʻi)
Oh cool you're coming to visit me :D You'll have to be here around 10 in the morning because that's when my ducks gather in the back yard and wait for food. They don't have much time for me anymore because they're all busy with boyfriends and duck things oh my :rolleyes: My rabbits however are available for kisses and cuddles.

There will be lots of fireworks today, this morning I heard some explosion (crazy illegal firework), I'm worried for my ducks and all their friends. I can't lock them up because they've been free since they were 4 weeks :(

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